Forests by their true meaning

This short video tries to graphically illustrates how mistaken FAO’s view of forests is. We invite you to watch it, share it, download it, post it on your blog, your website, your social networking site, etc. But we would also like to be able to share it in as many languages as possible, so if you speak another language, we invite you to send us a translation of the video’s (very short!) script. Throughout the year, we will create and post new versions of the video in more and more languages. You can find below the text that needs to be translated and translations should be sent to

In the International Year of Forests

This is a polar bear, but this is not the North Pole.
This is water and fish, but this is not an ocean.
This is a lot of trees, but this is not a forest.
Can you imagine replacing the North Pole with this?
and replacing the oceans with this?
FAO's definition of "forests" allows forests to be replaced with this...
Tree plantations are not forests.
Let's define forests by their true meaning.
Tell the world what forests mean for you.