Asia (general)

Other information 17 August 2000
Asia has been the most affected region by the substitution of forests by tree monocultures, which has resulted in negative consequences both at the local and global levels. Indigenous peoples and local communities have a history of resistance to this type of forestry development. In spite of that, carbon forestry appears to be on the rise in this continent.
Bulletin articles 30 June 1998
At a meeting held last February in Johannesburg, South Africa, a group of trade unionists from 14 countries announced the launch of an international campaign against the international mining company Rio Tinto. During the meeting Bob Hawke, former Australian Prime Minister, accused the company of “monumental hypocrisy”. Meanwhile, 51 Members of the House of Commons, in London, supported a motion that “condems the activities of Rio Tinto Corporation . . .
Bulletin articles 7 August 1997
A report on the activities of Asian logging companies in the Brazilian Amazon, prepared by a special committee of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies will be ready by the end of August. According to Deputy Gilney Viana of Matto Grosso (Workers' Party), two dozen transnational logging companies are working in the Amazon. Those financed by Malaysian and Chinese capitals entered the area in 1995. The Malaysian WTK Group bought 1.400.000 hectares at Carauari Municipality, Amazonia State, in association with the Brazilian company Amaplac that exports plywood.