Disponible uniquement en anglais et portugais.
Minister Dr. Gerd Müller
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche
Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Stresemannstraße 94
10963 Berlin
Minister Dr. Barbara Hendricks
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz,
Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)
Stresemannstraße 128 - 130
10117 Berlin
Dear Minister Hendricks,
Dear Minister Müller,
it is out of concern for safety of colleagues at CIMI-AO in Acre, the Conselho Indigenista Missionário, an organisation linked with the Brazilian Bishop´s Conference, that we write to you. CIMI in Acre has become the target of threats and intimidation that have already resulted in two attacks on their Regional Headquarters in Rio Branco in less than one month. Staff have received continuous threats and face intimidation. Since its creation in 1972, CIMI has not only become a very well-respected organization in Brazil and internationally; it has also become one of the main organizations in Brazil dedicated to demanding the respect of indigenous peoples' rights across the country.
The Western Amazon regional office of CIMI (CIMI-AO) in Rio Branco, Acre, is one of the 11 regional CIMI offices in Brazil. It has supported indigenous peoples in Acre who are faced with ranching and logging interests entering their territories and leaving behind devastation and forest destruction. Thoese same peoples also witness indifference against this deforestation and the violation of indigenous peoples' rights on the part of the government institiutions.
In 2013, similar methods and acts of violence as now perpetrated against CIMI-AO were used against the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT). CPT supports peasants defending the right to their land and livelihoods, with many conflicts also here revolving around forest destruction for cattle ranching and logging. To date nothing has been done by government institutions to meaningfully investigate and hold to account those responsible, neither for the acts of violence against the CPT in 2013 nor for the break-ins and threats against CIMI-AO during the last weeks.
We request you demand that the government of Acre take immediate action. The government must be unequivocal that it will not tolerate such violence against civil society organisations and those standing up for their rights to the land. Its institutions must investigate and hold those responsible for those acts of violence to account.
We appeal to you in particular because the German government, through the REDD Early Movers programme managed by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), is supporting the state of Acre with more than €15 million, with additional funding from the ministry of economic co-operation, BMZ, to the state of Acre. REDD Early Movers funding for 2014 is meant to support programmes that benefit indigenous peoples in particular. We ask: How can indigenous peoples feel safe in taking action that really tackles deforestation and the destruction of their territories when they and their most important support organisation are facing such threats and violence against them?
Worse yet, when such violence takes place and those affected cannot trust that the state authorities will take action to prevent further violence against those working to halt deforestation through demanding that the rights of indigenous peoples be respected and their lands demarcated. REDD, and the German government`s REDD Early Movers programme, turn into a farce into such a context.
We urge you to join us demanding immediate action on the part of the government of Acre. It must publically denounce such violence against defenders of forests in Acre. The respective state institutions must promptly initiate a thorough investigation of the break-ins and threats against CIMI-AO.
Minister Ideli Salvatti, of the Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic also must take urgent measures through the national Programme for the Protection of Defenders of Human Rights, to ensure the safety of CIMI staff in Acre. Such measures must not delay or substitute the investigation into the acts of violence that have already occurred. Investigating those crimes, too, is urgent.
Please keep us informed about action you will take to ensure these acts of violence against CIMI and the indigenous peoples the organisation supports in their struggle for justice and demarcation of their territories in Acre will be fully investigated. Those responsible must be held accountable for their acts of violence and intimidation.
We will share this Open Letter to you with CIMI and the organisations that will gather in solidarity with CIMI-AO in front of the CIMI office on Friday, 17 October 2014.
We pledge to keep the staff at CIMI informed about your response.
Contact details for minister Ideli Salvatti, Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic
Tel: +55 (61) 2027-3106 / 3536 Email: direitoshumanos@sdh.gov.br
Winfridus Overbeek, World Rainforest Movement
Endorsed by: | |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald und Artenschutz (ARA) | Deutschland |
Infoe - Institut für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie e.V. | Deutschland |
denkhausbremen e.V. | Deutschland |
Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung | Deutschland |
Pro Regenwald | Deutschland |
Rettet den Regenwald | Deutschland |
urgewald | Deutschland |
FDCL | Deutschland |
Aliança RECOs – Redes de Cooperação Comunitária Sem Fronteiras | Brasilien |
Coordenação da Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB) | Brasilien |
Centro de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul da Bahia (CEPEDES) | Brasilien |
Conselho de Leigos da Arquidiocese de São Paulo (CLASP) | Brasilien |
Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores (CPP) | Brasilien |
Conselho de Missão Entre Povos Indígenas (COMIN) -Assessoria Acre Sul do Amazonas | Brasilien |
FASE Amazônia | Brasilien |
Fórum da Amazônia Oriental (FAOR) | Brasilien |
Instituto Politicas Alternativas para o Cone Sul (PACS) | Brasilien |
Jubileu Sul Brasil | Brasilien |
Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) | Brasilien |
Movimento Mulheres pela P@Z! | Brasilien |
Movimento de Luta pela Terra (MLT) | Brasilien |
Núcleo de Pesquisa Estado, Sociedade e Desenvolvimento na Amazônia Ocidental (NUPESDAO-UFAC) | Brasilien |
Programa de Extensão Centro de Referência em Direitos Humanos e territoriais na tríplice Fronteira Brasil, Peru /Bolívia (UFAC) | Brasilien |
Terra de Direitos | Brasilien |
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD Regional) | International |
Carbon Trade Watch | International |
GRAIN | International |
Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo extractivo Minero | |
No REDD in Africa Network (NRAN) | International |
REDD-Monitor | International |
Redmanglar Internacional | Internacional |
Diálogo 2000 - Jubileo Sur Argentina | Argentina |
Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional | Basque |
Struggle to Economize Future Environment (SEFE) | Cameroon |
Common frontiers | Canada |
Colectivo VientoSur | Chile |
Comisión Intereclesial Justicia y Paz | Colombia |
Coecoceiba – Amigos de la Tierra | Costa Rica |
Acción Ecológica | Ecuador |
Ecuador decide | Ecuador |
Escuela de Pensamiento Ecologista -Savia | Guatemala |
Coordinadora Guatemalteca por la Defensa de los Manglares y la Vida -Cogmanglar | Guatemala |
Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) | Liberia |
Red Mexicano de Acción Frente al Libre Comércio (RMALC) | Mexico |
Justiça Ambiental | Mozambique |
Landless Peoples Movement | South Africa |
Stichting Indianen in Brasil | The Netherlands |
Transnational Institute (TNI) | The Netherlands |
Ecologistas en Acción | Spain |
Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalizacion (ODG) | Spain |
The Corner House | UK |
Global Justice Ecology Project | USA |
Friends of the Earth-US | USA |
Sign-ons received after the letter was submitted | |
KoBra - Kooperation Brasilien e.V. | Germany |
Friends of the Earth International | International |
Núcleo Amigos da Terra – Friends of the Earth | Brazil |
Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL)Pazcon Dignidad | Spain |
PAPDA | Haiti |
Fórum Mudanças Climaticas e Justiça Social | Brazil |
Red Latinoamericana contra los Monocultivos de Árboles | International |
Grupo Guayubira | Uruguay |