Action Alerts
Action alerts
Indigenous, peasant, traditional and Afro-descendent peoples from the Amazon region and Central America call organizations and social movements all over the world to endorse this declaration rejecting carbon projects in their territories.
30 July 2024
Action alerts
Sign the letter in support of Indigenous and local communities devastated by the social and ecological impacts of industrial tree plantations, and threatened by the planned future use of GMO tree plantations.
21 September 2023
Action alerts
Demand that the Suzano company stops destroying quilombola territories in the south of Bahia, Brazil
12 January 2023
Action alerts
10 June 2021
A call to Brazilian society and the peoples of the world to defend the territories from capitalism and its new “green” onslaught.
Action alerts
17 September 2019
A threat spreads across our territories. Under the misleading name of "reforestation", which sounds quite nice, huge exotic tree plantations have been set up in Brazil by transnational corporations. We invite you to sign the following letter with us.
Action alerts
30 March 2015
Action alerts
2 June 2014
Action alerts
20 September 2013
Action alerts
16 January 2008