Action Alerts

Action alerts
Sign the letter in support of Indigenous and local communities devastated by the social and ecological impacts of industrial tree plantations, and threatened by the planned future use of GMO tree plantations.
21 September 2023
Action alerts
We urge you to express solidarity with MST (Movement of Landless Rural Workers) and send an urgent message to the state government in order to prevent that 200 families will be evicted from a land occupation in a eucalyptus plantation area of the transnational pulp and paper company Suzano.
18 April 2023
Action alerts

This Open Letter is a public reply from the Alert against the Green Desert Network from Brazil and WRM to an email from the investment department of the HSBC bank in the USA, requesting more information regarding the Suzano paper and pulp corporation in Brazil.

6 October 2020
Action alerts

A threat spreads across our territories. Under the misleading name of "reforestation", which sounds quite nice, huge exotic tree plantations have been set up in Brazil by transnational corporations. We invite you to sign the following letter with us.

17 September 2019
Action alerts
27 February 2015