
Action alerts 30 March 2015
  By The Campaign to STOP GE Trees. Sign below to insist CTNBio not approve GMO Trees! On Thursday 5 March, the Brazilian Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) was scheduled to decide whether to approve the commercial release of GE trees developed by FuturaGene. This meeting was cancelled after it was disrupted by activists, and after FuturaGene’s operations were taken over by 1,000 women earlier that same day.
Action alerts 30 March 2015
Only available in Spanish. Por Alianza Biodiversidad y Red por una América Latina Libre de Transgénicos.
Other information 6 March 2015
The coordinating team of La Via Campesina in the state of Pará, Brazil, has compiled in a book the political struggles waged over time in the Amazon and the initiatives organized. In addition to a systematized introduction with a focus on ideas about peasant communities and their reincorporation in debates of historical concepts, there is a duel of perspectives with environmental ecological imperialism.
Action alerts 4 March 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York (4 March 2015) – Organizations on four continents took action yesterday at Brazilian consulates and embassies as part of the Emergency Global Day of Action to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees. The groups are demanding the government of Brazil reject an industry request to legalize genetically engineered (GE) eucalyptus trees there.
Action alerts 27 February 2015
Dear friends,
Other information 9 December 2014
An article by Brazilian organizations FASE Amazonía, Grupo Carta de Belém and Fórum de la Amazonía Oriental, published by the newspaper “Aldeia”, challenges the myth – rooted in the carbon market – that the energy produced by hydroelectric plants is ‘clean’ energy, that is, an energy source that does not create polluting emissions.
Other information 8 December 2014
Only available in Portuguese. A financeirização da natureza significa o aprofundamento radical do capitalismo e, ao mesmo tempo, configura-se como um neocolonialismo. Os povos indígenas e as comunidades tradicionais são os principais impactados por esta lógica perversa, que transforma a natureza em mercadoria e agrava ainda mais a desigualdade social.
Other information 8 December 2014
Fact-finding and advocacy mission preliminary report, by Cristiane Faustino y Fabrina Furtado Download the preliminary report as pdf here