
Other information 22 January 2009
(Only available in Portuguese) By Winfridus Overbeek. Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) do estado do Espírito Santo, with the support of the WRM Um alerta sobre o Fomento Florestal: experiências...e alternativas
Bulletin articles 25 November 2008
The present development model has been strengthened on the basis of large-scale models – production, marketing, consumption – and the activities sustaining it are also on a large scale and basically involve intensive land use. They are the causes of the greatest problem presently hanging over an unconcerned humanity: the stepping up of greenhouse effect gas concentrations in the atmosphere, responsible for climate change.
Bulletin articles 26 October 2008
A pulp mill seriously alters the micro-region where it is installed and generates a series of problems that mainly affect traditional peoples.
Bulletin articles 27 September 2008
Approximately five years ago, Aracruz obtained a “green” quality label for its plantations in the extreme south of Bahia. This is a very important conquest for the Company as this certification implies, among other things, that the Company is working in an ecologically and socially correct manner, respecting all municipal, state and federal environmental laws. Such a label is essential for the Company’s exports because with it, it gains enormous prestige abroad.
Bulletin articles 26 July 2008
This month, provisional measure No.422 was adopted as law by the Brazilian parliament, providing for an increase in the area of the Amazon that may be granted for rural use with no need to call for bids. The limit, previously set at 500 hectares, has been increased to 1,500 hectares, allowing deforestation of up to 20 percent of the area granted.
Other information 24 July 2008
On 17 June 2008, a federal court in the city of Eunápolis, in the state of Bahia, passed sentence in a public civil suit filed in 1993 by the Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor's Office against Veracel Celulose – known at the time as Veracruz Florestal – and the government environmental agencies CRA (Centre for Environmental Resources, responsible for environmental licensing in the state of Bahia) and IBAMA (Brazilian Environmental Institute, the national environmental authority).
Other information 26 June 2008
In late May, aerial photos taken during a fly-over piloted by the coordinator of the Ethno-Environmental Front of FUNAI (the National Indigenous Foundation of Brazil) confirmed the existence of indigenous people living in voluntary isolation on the border between the Brazilian state of Acre and Peru. They are members of one of four indigenous ethnic groups living in isolation in this area.
Bulletin articles 27 May 2008
Agrofuels are increasingly drawing words of warning, protest and condemnation from such disparate voices as high-level United Nations representatives like FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf and Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Jean Ziegler, statesmen like Fidel Castro, and social organizations in both the North and South (see notes 1 and 2). Nevertheless, plantations of crops raised specifically to produce fuel continue to spread.
Bulletin articles 28 April 2008
In Brazil there are two conflicting models: that of the large monoculture plantations (ranging from eucalyptus, soy-beans and rice to sugar-cane), on lands held by a few large companies; and that of the peasant, indigenous and landless communities that build collective and diverse productive spaces and demand the historically promised agrarian reform.
Action alerts 16 January 2008
Only available Spanish and Portuguese.  Comunicado de Prensa de RECOMA 16 de enero de 2008.
Action alerts 15 January 2008
Only available in Spanish -  15 de enero de 2008 Exmo. Sr. Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil Exma. Sra. Marina Silva Ministra de Meio Ambiente (MMA)