News from the International Secretariat

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On September 17th and in the framework of an international campaign we addressed Mr Hiroshi Yasuda, Governor of the Export-Import Bank of Japan, urging him to reconsider the agency's support for the San Roque Dam project in The Philippines (see article above).

On October 1st a fax was sent to Mr Ranayan Rane, Chief Minister of Mantralaya, India, in defence of the Narmada villagers and environmental activists which are in serious risk of drowning because of their determination to oppose the submergence of the Narmada Valley by the unfinished dam.

The WRM International Secretariat sent a message dated October 5th to Mr Juan Mayr Maldonado, Colombian Minister of the Environment, to express its support to the Embera Katio people in their struggle against the Urra Dam which would flood their ancestral territory in the rainforests.

We addressed a letter to the President of World Bank, Mr. James Wolfensohn, opposing the financing of the PRODEMINCA mining project within the boundaries of the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve, an intact remnant of the Western Ecuadorian forests.

The WRM International Secretariat addressed Occidental Petroleum Corporation to express once again its deep concern for the situation of the U'wa indigenous people in Colombia, this time menaced by a plan of oil exploitation in the Samore region.