At its last Conference of the Parties (COP8), the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a very important Decision in relation to the issue of genetically modified trees and invited everyone “to provide relevant views and information to the Secretariat for inclusion in this assessment”. Given that a number of organizations have produced a joint letter (below) to be sent to the Secretariat providing information and analysis on the issue and calling for a “mandatory decision declaring an immediate ban on the release of GM trees.”
CBD Secretariat
Dear Mr Djoghlaf,
The undersigned wish to express our full support for the COP 8’s Decision VIII/19 (Forest biological diversity: implementation of the programme of work), which “Recommends Parties to take a precautionary approach when addressing the issue of genetically modified trees”.
We also support the reasons for the adoption of the above Decision which states that: “Recognizing the uncertainties related to the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts, including long-term and transboundary impacts, of genetically modified trees on global forest biological diversity, as well as on the livelihoods of indigenous and local communities, and given the absence of reliable data and of capacity in some countries to undertake risk assessments and to evaluate those potential impacts”.
Given that the Decision also “Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations, including indigenous and local communities, as well as relevant stakeholders, to provide relevant views and information to the Secretariat for inclusion in this assessment,” we would like to contribute to this assessment.
A look at the main genetically modified (GM) tree research currently being carried out shows that it is focused on a very narrow range of aims:
- herbicide resistance
- insect resistance
- tree sterility
- lower lignin and higher cellulose content
- resistance to cold, salt or drought
- faster growth
None of the above can be seen as being beneficial to global forest biological diversity, which needs accompanying flora species (impacted by herbicides), insects and related food chains (impacted by insect resistant trees), flowers and seeds (inexistent with tree sterility), wood resistant to strong winds (lower lignin content makes trees weaker), trees and plants adapted to local environments (impacted by alien trees resistant to cold, salt or drought), intact soils and sufficient water (depleted by fast-growing trees) In addition, genetically engineered tree plantations are likely to be developed where biologically diverse forests now stand, following the trend of monoculture plantations that have replaced native forests around the world.
This indicates that GM trees are not beneficial for global forest biological diversity. It is also clear that those genetic modifications are being carried out for industrial and not environmental reasons and, if released, would result in industrial plantations with low biodiversity, largely devoid of other living organisms, thus effectively depleting forest biological diversity.
This leads to the main question: Can genetically modified trees have a negative impact on global forest biological diversity?
The main threats are:
- Substitution of diverse forests by genetically modified tree monocultures. This is already happening with “conventional” tree monocultures (oil palm, eucalyptus, pines, acacias, and gmelinas) and there is no reason to believe that it would be different with GM trees. On the contrary, corporations like ArborGen have postulated that pulp from plantations of GM trees could bring in considerably higher profits than pulp from conventional monocultures, indicating that corporations intend to rapidly implement large scale industrial GM tree plantations.
- Contamination of non-GM trees of the same species or genus. This contamination is particularly dangerous in the case of the most widespread plantation tree—eucalyptus —whose many species have the capacity to hybridise and could therefore be easily pollinated by GM eucalyptus. It is also dangerous in other plantation species such as pines, poplars and acacias. In China, the only country where GM trees are planted on a commercial scale, contamination of native poplar trees has already been documented.
- Contamination of related tree species. Tree pollen can travel very long distances and could contaminate non-GM trees both of the same species as well as other related species in entire regions and countries. This would mean that native trees might acquire the genetically modified traits of GM trees. For instance, they might become resistant to insects, i.e. produce toxins, thus resulting in the depletion of certain insect populations and dependent plant and animal species. The “solution” of developing flowerless trees creates false confidence in the supposed safety of the technology and runs the risk of passing on any of the modified genes to trees in the wild – if sterility were to fail in just one single tree in one year.
- Trees with less lignin (and higher cellulose content) would be more prone to pest attacks, and potentially increased windfalls, and would rot more quickly, altering soil structure and releasing CO2 more quickly, thus contributing to climate change. Decomposing forest dead wood provides an essential habitat for a high diversity of flora and fauna. Disturbing the rate of wood decomposition would have a dramatic effect on species populations, the consequences of which have not been studied. These trees would also show altered characteristics during storm, flooding and possibly drought.
- Contamination of forest ecosystems and other habitats with GM trees via seed. Trees produce abundant fruit and seed, often capable of travelling long distances either carried by air, water, animals and human activities. Trees genetically engineered for faster growth, salt tolerance, short daylight adaptation or cold tolerance could out-compete common pioneer species or populate rare or marginal habitats previously uninhabitable to trees.
- Impacts on the livelihoods of indigenous and local communities. The environmental release and commercial use of GM trees in industrial GM tree plantations would provide no goods to local communities, and would impact on their traditional use of forest resources, including fruit, seed, insects, animals, honey, and fibres. In the long run, contamination of native tree species could wipe out most of the resources they depend on.
- Many studies have been done on the potential human health impacts of GM crops and the risks involved are manifold. Few risk assessment studies apply specifically to trees and though they are likely to share similar risks to plant crops, trees are also know to have other specific areas of concern when genetically modified. The longevity of trees makes the necessary multi-generational risks assessment studies impossible to carry out in the short-term. Yet it is known that aberrations of intended gene expression may only become apparent when studied over several generations. Unexpected gene expression is known to have occurred in elm trees, for example.
- Increased contamination of soils, water and air from toxic herbicides used in conjunction with herbicide-resistant trees, or inhalation of pollen from insect-resistant trees could have serious impacts on the health of indigenous and local communities.
- There are significant likely impacts on women and indigenous peoples, the traditional caretakers of biodiversity. In many communities, women are the ones who think in terms of generations. It is women in rural and indigenous communities who will bear the greatest burden of the impacts of GM tree plantations, just as they currently bear the brunt of the impacts from conventional monoculture tree plantations. Women and children will likely bear the brunt of any human health consequences of GE trees, for example resulting from inhalation of large quantities of Bt toxin from the pollen of insect-resistant Bt trees.
In conclusion, GM trees have no role to play in the conservation of global forest biological diversity and, on the contrary, are likely to reduce forest biodiversity, with attendant social consequences. The high risks indicated by the available though incomplete science show that the technology could result in the extinction of forest plant and animal species with severe negative impacts on biodiversity.
We therefore urge the Convention on Biological Diversity to move forward from the current recommendation to Parties to take a precautionary approach, to a mandatory decision declaring an immediate ban on the release of GM trees.
Yours sincerely,
Ana Lucía Bravo
Acción Ecológica
Carlos A. Vicente
Acción por la Biodiversidad
Javier Baltodano/ Isaac Rojas
Forest Program/ Friends of the Earth International
Miguel Lovera
Global Forest Coalition
Anne Petermann
Global Justice Ecology Project
Henk Hobbelink
Brian Tokar
Institute for Social Ecology
Elizabeth Bravo
Network for a GE Free Latin America
Orin Langelle
STOP GE Trees Campaign
Ricardo Carrere
World Rainforest Movement
Additional signatures up to November 23th
Lic. Silvana Buján
PresidentaLuis Ernesto Sabini Fernández
Ecopolítica FuturosGrace de Haro
APDH Human Rights OrganizationAndrés M. Dimitriu
Universidad Nacional del ComahueVecinos Autoconvocados Jacobacci
Gabriela Aloras
Daniel Otal
Asociación Civil Alas para la Comunicación PopularDiana Caviezel
Nora Correas
AAVRA (Asociación de Artistas Visuales de la República Argentina)Luis Tuninetti
Director Eco SitioCPN Walter Bejanuel
Laboratorio BIOBLOEMENLucas Chiappe
Coordinador del "Proyecto Lemu"
Asociacion Lihuen-Antu
Epuyen - ChubutElba Stancich
Taller EcologistaNoelia Delgado
Ing. Agr. Alberto Lapolla
GenetistaLisa Paz
Alastair MacGregor
Lisandro Baremberg
EcologistaSandra Peitsch
Armonia AmbientalLiliana Barbagelata
Luis Tuninetti
Director Eco SitioEva L. Cajigas
Secretaría de Alumnos y
Promoción Institucional
UNIDADra.Noemi Abad -Directora /Revista Ambiente y SociedadMelania Seve
Javiera Rulli
Grupo de Reflexion RuralJavier Souza Casadinho
CETAAR-RAPALAlejandro Gahan
Por la defensa de Modelos de Desarrollo SustentablesPatricio O. Serrano.
Iniciativa Ciudadana LibreHumberto Lupi
Asamblea Ciudadana AmbientalMarta Cristina Lugli
Miguel Puigvert
Movimiento Horticultura
Urbana Zona Norte de Concordia-Entre RiosGraciela Capodoglio
Carlos A. Vicente
Acción por la BiodiversidadMirta Gómez
Vicente Torre
ICEPH - Instituto Cordillerano de Estudios y Promoción HumanaMarcos Nuñez
Dr. Ing. Antonio Nicolás Gillari
Director General - Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico – MAEDr. José Luis Rodríguez
Presidente Asociación para la Protección de Animales de Tres ArroyosFUNDACIÓN INTI CUYUM
Ángeles Leonardo
Juan José Martiarena
AbogadoMaria Marta Castro
Fundación LuciérnagaMaria Eugenia Servidio Peralta
María del Carmen Rodriguez
Asociación San Francisco de Asís.Federico Javier Collazuo
Santa Fe - RosarioCarla G. D´Agrossi
Buenos AiresPaola Analia Blanco de Napoli
Bs. As.Marcia Correa
A Associação Protetora da Diversidade das espécies- PROESPOscar Main
Foro Ecologico de ParanaMarisa Ines. Riquelme
Pcia. del NeuquénRoxana Vargas
Gladys Vera
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy EnvironmentAustralia
John Seed
Rainforest Information CentreJ.G. Hutchinson
Breakthrough FacilitationGillian Blair
Secretary of Otways Conservation CouncilArnold Ward
Pennie Scott
Alan Reid
Andy Stanham
White Knuckle MarketingBob Phelps
Executive Director
GeneEthics NetworkNarelle Stiles
Rowland Benjamin
Information for ActionLes and Donella Peters
Josie Lee
Friends of the Earth AustraliaIndra Esguerra
Canberra, AustraliaKate Clinch-Jones
President of SAGFIN
South Australian Genetic Food Information Network
Zakir Kibria
Executive Director
BanglaPraxisMohammad Azizur Rahman
Institute of Cultural AffairsFarida Akhter,
Executive Director,
UBINIGFarhad Mazhar, Chief organizer, Nayakrishi Andolon
Badrul Alam
Bangladesh Krishok FederationAshraf-Ul-Alam Tutu
Coastal Development PartnershipAhmed Swapan Mahmud
Executive Director, VOICE
67/Ka, Pisciculture Housing,
Shyamoli, Dhaka, BangladeshBelgium
Stijn Bruers
Leopold Broers
Micheline Bruyninckx
Roberto Moyano
Gerente de Inspecciones
IMO Control Latinoamérica Ltda.Oscar Mendieta Chavez
Director General de Produccion Agropecuaria y Soberania Alimentaria -
Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural Agropecuario y Medio Ambiente
Presidente de la FUNDACION RENACEJannette Giné
Noemi Soto Santiesteban
CEADESJavier Bejarano
Asesor Forestal de AFIN
Asociación Forestal Indígena NacionalBrazil
Demilton Jorge Benevides Duarte
Patricia Grinberg
PeriodistaAntonio Ormundo
AmbientalistaIvonete Gonçalves
O Cepedes
Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas para o desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul/BaassinaJosé Koopmans
CDDH ; Centre de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos - Teixeira de Freitas - Ba.Monica Vargas
Observatorio de la Deuda en la GlobalizaciónJean Pierre Leroy
Coordenador Projeto Brasil sustentável e Democrático/FaseGabriel B. Fernandes
Felipe Carvalho Beltrão Cavalcanti
Estudante de Engenharia Florestal
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiróz" (ESALQ - USP)André Santos Neves
BiólogoLeila Leme
Associação de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente de Cianorte
(NGO representative in the Brazilian National Environmental Council representing South region of Brazil)ACPO - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE COMBATE AOS POPs – Member of IPEN
Nucleo Amigos da Terra
Maria Rita Reis
Terra de DireitosGeraldo Alkimin
PSDBLauderson Holz
CAPA(Centro de Apoio ao Pequeno Agricultor)Marechal Cândido Rondon
PR/BrasilMárcio Alexsandre Savaris
Marco Antonio Bilo Vieira
CAPA(Centro de Apoio ao Pequeno Agricultor)Guilherme Abreu
Técnico em Monitoramento e Controle Ambiental
estudante de agronomia
UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RSE.Rose Atuati
Presidente, Instituo Águas do Prata – IAP
Campos do Jordãobiól. Lisiane Becker
ONG Proj. MIRA-SERRACristina Collier
Gestora AmbientalTiago Balieiro Cetrulo
Eng. AgrônomoAna Paula Fagundes
Grupo MamangavaGuilherme Ferreira
Mario Gusson
CETAP - Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares de Passo Fundo
Rio Grande do SulDenise Helfenstein
RG 8064662541 Porto alegre - RSAntonio Leal
Beatriz Lins - estudante de biologia - UENF
Eliziane Mello
Bióloga, Santiago/RSPlínio Melo
MongueZuleica Nycz
Membro do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente e do Conselho Nacional de SaudeHelen Oliveira
Ong Gaivotas Atlantico Sul-
Itanhaem SPJúlio César de Lima Prates
Jornalista, Santiago/RSEduardo Raccioppi
Diretor Presidente
Instituto Aruandista de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento
ELIVRE Escola Livre de Meio Ambiente e AdministraçãoJoão Ramos
Joao Batista da Silva - geografo
Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros - RJ
GT Ambiente AGB-Rio e AGB-NiteroiBeatriz Osorio Stumpf
Felipe Amaral de Vasconcellos
Josiane Carine Wedig
Estudante de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de PelotasNelson Fogassi Jurado Junior
Encenador Teatral
Burkina Faso
Elke Verbeeten
Chercheur Associé – Research Fellow
Programme Services Environnementaux et Usage / Gestion Durable des Forêts –
Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Program
CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research)Canada
Pamela Wight
Lynn Palmer
Wildlands League, the Ontario branch of Canadian Parks and Wilderness SocietyTheresa Wolfwood
Barnard-Boecker Centre FoundationM.A. Wak Kalola
Sociologie du Développement
International & MondialisationBonita Poulin
Canadian Coordinator
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injury affecting civilians and military personnelSandra Valle
Serge LaRochelle
Charles Sule
Andrew Page
Pam Trenholm
Brighton BotanicalsCliff Rose
Cumberland Group, Atlantic Chapter
Sierra Club of CanadaMélissa Filion
responsable de campagne forêt boréale
Greenpeace CanadaGerman Trejo
Pat Mooney
ETC GroupTheresa Wolfwood
Barnard-Boecker Centre FoundationJackie M. Bourgeois, B.Sc, CEPIT
Climate Change Coordinator
Environmental Protection
Department of EnvironmentJean Arnold, Executive Director
Falls Brook CentreRachael Charbonneau
New Brunswick Partners in Agriculture
Upper HampsteadClaudia Ho Lem
Resource Efficient Agricultural Production (R.E.A.P.)John Newlands
Sandra E.Foss, President,
Federation of Alberta Naturalists (4500++ individuals represented, 35 Natural History Clubs)Marianne Garrah
Jasper, AlbertaKate Green
Manager Public Engagement, North/South Linkages
Joleah Kunkel
Ecosystems Management TechnicianJeanne Maki
PEI Environmental Health Co-opHudanee, Frank Martin
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Sweetgrass Martin
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Bill Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Buffy Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Curtis Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Doreen Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Dunovan Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Mary Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Telquaa, Helen Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Wally Michell
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Stephen Morison
QuebecBeatrice Olivastri
Friends of the Earth CanadaCurtis Patrick
Indigenous sovereign Bear Clan families of Maxan Lake B.C.Dr. J. Douglas Salmon, Jr.
Rehabilitation Research, Education & Evaluation Services
Centre for Family, Child & Adolescent AdvancementGary Shneider and the board of the Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island
Cynthia Wilson
Enviro Tech student, Fleming CollegeKaren Rothschild
Coordinating Committee
Union paysanne
Alejandra Parra Muñoz
Francesca Matsuda Arce
Jaime Leppé
María Elena Rozas
Lucía Sepúlveda
Patricia Bravo
Alianza por una mejor Calidad de Vida (RAP-Chile)
Integrada por:
CIALMatías Meza-Lopehandía G.
Florencia Aróstica
Presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas, ANAMURIRoyden Jorge Abello Romero
(Consejo de Lonko Norte de los Territorios del Sur)
Organizacion Ancestral Mapunche WijicheLorena Ojeda
Organizacion Ambientalista Koyam NewenMiguel Cheuqueman
Gregorio Paredes
Sociedad de Escritores de Chile
Ana Maria Lozano
Pablo Cala
Abilio Peña
Pedro Lázaro Perez
Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y PazGerman Bedoya
Coordinador Nacional Agrario de Colombia C.N.A.
Equipo NacionalJuan Carlos Galvis
Presidente cut Barrancabermeja (Santander)Stephan Suhner
Grupo de Trabajo SuizaElsa Nivia
Coordinadora Regional RAP-AL
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas para América Latina
(PAN Latin America)Fabian Fontecha
Att. Luis Ernesto Perez Barrera
Asociacion Amigos Jardin Botanico U. de caldasGeorgina Montoya Vargas
Maestra en artes plasticasNéstor J. Ocampo Giraldo
FUNDACIÓN ECOLÓGICA COSMOSDora Clemencia Leon Aristizabal
Diana Mejia Vanegas
Jairo A. Cárdenas Mejía
Costa Rica
Ana Gabriela Steffich Resoagli
Marcelo Pablo Pascotto Impavido
Rolf W.Ruge
Elmer González Luna
Estudiante de Ingeniería Forestal
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa RicaGilbert González Maroto
Centro para el Desarrollo Indígena (CEDIN)Ing. Agr. Ricardo Corrales Sáenz, MGA
Consultor IndependienteDiego Alejandro Cardona Calle
CENSAT Agua Viva
Amigos de la Tierra ColombiaAnabelle Chaves Robles
Fundación Nuestras Raíces (FUNRAICES)Isaac Rojas
Amigos de la Tierra Costa RicaMaría Gabriela Ortiz Sancho
Hans Nielsen, M. Sc.
The Danish Ecological CouncilAnnie Mayo
Dominican Republic
Dra. Andrea Brechelt
Fundación Agricultura y Medio Ambiente
RAP-AL República DominicanaEcuador
Jose Matias Valencia
Coordinador del Frente de la Salud de los PueblosJefferson Mecham
Instituto de Regeneración EcológicaIng. For. Johana Muñoz
Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo de la Amazonia
CEDAMAZ-UNLAurora Donoso
Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer MundoLider Gongora F.
Executive Secretary
Redmanglar InternacionalTania Soledad Coronel Reyna
Elvis Geovanny Chávez Ormaza
Marcelo Kenny Cotera Torres
Juanito Nisbaldo Ortiz Góngora
Antonio Filamil García Ramos
Juan Emilio Zambrano Loor
María Augusta Robalino Moreira
- FUNDECOL - ECUADORJosé Fabara - Rojas
M.Sc. Ecología Tropical y ConservaciónEgypt
Karam Saber
Executive Manager
Land Center for Human RightsFinland
Hannu Hyvönen
Union of EcoforestryTapani Veistola
Nature Conservation Officer
Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto
Finska naturskyddsförbundet
Finnish Association for Nature ConservationSami Niemi
Jenni Sademies
Jaana Lepp lammi-Kujansuu
Marja Leino
Tanja Eskola
Jouni Ylinen
Heidi Hopp
Kirsi Chavda
Emmanuelle Grundmann
Valérie Techer
Buró Nacional
Asociación France Amérique LatineIsabelle Michallet
Nadine Lauverjat
Chargée de mission MDRGFGeorges Cingal
Secrétaire Général Fédération SEPANSO
(Société pour l'Etude, la Protection et l'Amenagement de la
Nature dans le Sud-Ouest)
Vice-Président Bureau Européen de l'EnvironnementGermany
Martin Kaiser
Greenpeace International Political Advisor, Forests & BiodiversityThomas Trueten
Franziska and Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Ute Sprenger
Gen-ethisches Netzwerk -GeN
(Red gene-ética / Gene-ethical Network)Paco Murillo
Jörg Weigang
University of EberswaldeJaspar Albers
Alexander Hinrichs
Christoph Wehner
Chris Lang
World Rainforest MovementLydia Bartz
Hermann Edelmann,
Pro REGENWALDDr. Peter Clausing
Verein Freunde SüdmexikosHans Christian Offer
EcodevelopKatherina Goernitz
Andrea Kraus
Peter Gerhardt
Tropical Forests Campaigner
Robin WoodWolfgang Kuhlmann
Jürgen Stahn
Member of fian GermanyKirsten Bredenbeck
KoBra - Kooperation Brasilien e. V.Sui-Yun Wong de Geitz
Holistic Treatments
Germany, Peru, ChinaDr. Elke Mannigel
Internationale Projektkoordination
OroVerde - Die TropenwaldstiftungMorris Stevensen
Lidia Francisca Dionisio Chavajay
Miembra del Proyecto Miriam de GuatemalaGhana
Lambert Okrah
Institute of Cultural AffairsSakeena K. Bonsu
Evergreen ClubHolland
Daniela Stefano
Amigos del MST en HolandaJaap Rozema
University of AmsterdamCarbon Trade Watch
Anouska Plasmeijer
Jorge Varela./ Director Ejecutivo
Comité para la Defensa y Desarrollo de la Flora y Fauna del Golfo de Fonseca
(CODDEFFAGOLF)Thelma Maria Mejia Ordoñez
Departamento De Biologia
Universidad Nacional Autonoma De HondurasInternationals or no country given
Jesus Dominguez Law
Beatriz Hoffman
Marimer A. Molina
Amante de la naturalezaMarta Díaz
Luis Arnaldo Santiago Rivera
Meghan Hunt
Alfonso Vazquez
Patricia Schebsdat
Eduardo Basz
PeriodistaTim G. Young
Santiago Sanz
Edu de Souza
Morgen Freiman
Cristina Jimenez
Cristiano Cardoso Gomes
Rede de Agricutura SustentávelSara Perona
Theddy López Ugarte
Javier Baltodano
Programa de Bosques
Amigos de la Tierra InternacionalRed Latinoamericana contra los Monocultivos de Arboles
RECOMAConsuelo Rojas
Eduardo Gómez
Thierry Barre
Tatiana Mayerovich
Mary Bailey
Federico Hilario Giner
Sheila Goldner
Art Herttua
Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud
Director, One Planet Living
WWF InternationalJoleah KunkelAlexis LathemJohn Felsner
Katherine Hoyt
Nicaragua NetworkLiliana Beatriz Samayoa Lòpez
Thomas MacIntosh
Cristina Trepat Folch
Ilangovan Krishnaraj
Souparna Lahiri
NFPPFNShankar Jadhav
Institute of Cultural AffairsS. Usha
Umendra Dutt
Executive Director
(Agricultural Heritage Mission)Jacob Nellithanam
Centre for Indigenous Farming SystemsKavitha Kuruganti
Centre for Sustainable AgricultureAshish Fernandes
Pandurang Hegde
Appiko-Chipko MovementP. Chennaiah
Secretary- National Coordination
Andhra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula Union –APVVUDatta Patil
Executive Director
YUVA RuralSheelu Francis
Tamilnadu Women's CollectiveSundari Perumal
Tamilnadu Resource TeamA Gopalakrishnan Nair
Dr. Debal Deb
Dr. Mita Dutta
Debachis Chatterjee
Partha Majumdar
Centre for Interdisciplinary StudiesKunal Deb
Kalyan Chakrabarti
Founder Member
Society for Positive ChangesMuhammad Riza
Yayasan Duta Awam
Ade Fadli
Komunitas TIMPAKULItaly
Alfredo L. Somoza
Gianfranca Dal Toso
Maryam Rahmanian
Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (CENESTA)Ireland
Tom Roche
Just ForestsKenya
Paul Saoke
Executive Director
Physicians for Social ResponsibilitySoren Ambrose
Solidarity Africa NetworkNjoki Njoroge Njehu
Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource CenterMalaysia
Chee Yoke Ling
Third World NetworkLebanon
Thérèse Sfeir
Organic Agriculture Specialist
LibanCert: Lebanese Organic Certification BodyMauritius, Indian Ocean
Soodhakur Ramlallah
Mauritius Newspaper and Union of Environmental Journalists (UEJ)Mexico
José Salazar Hernández
Ak Kanantik Ak Ká‚ax. A.C.
Cuidemos nuestras selvas. A.C.Carlos Armenta
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de HidalgoJardiel Jaimes
Asesoria certificada de Agricultura Organica A.C.Juárez García Luciano
Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles
Universidad Autónoma de ZacatecasJesus Dominguez
Gaston Bander
Carla Aguilar
Peter Rosset
CECCAMAndrés Valle Doménech
BiólogoCecilia de la Llave
Marisol Fernández Alonso
Bióloga y ArtistaAnel Camacho
Pedro Ajás González
Silvia Ribeiro
ETC GroupRomeo Saldìvar
Documentalismo Submarino
Departamento de Biologìa Marina
Universidad Autònoma de Baja California SurM. C. J. Milton J. Aragón Palacios
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónFernando Bejarano G
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en México (RAPAM)Constanza Díaz
Jose Manuel Arias Rodriguez
Coordinador de Proyectos
Asociacion Ecologica Santo Tomás A.CIng. Henry Santacruz Vivas
Pdte. del Comisariado de Bienes Comunales de la comunidad indígena de San Juan Jaltepec, Yaveo, Oaxaca, MéxicoC. Lorenzo Celis Chimil. Pdte. del Consejo de Vigilancia de la misma comunidad
C. Teodosio Angel Molina. Comisionado de la misma comunidad
Sonia Navarro
Manejo y Conservación de Vida Silvestre
Departamento de Botánica y Zoología
Investigadora de la Universidad de Guadalajara, MéxicoAna Laura Juárez López
Profesora de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
Unidad de Ciencias de Desarrollo RegionalJorge Acosta
Grupo de Estudios Ambientales, ACLuis Manuel Vaca Pacheco
Centro Internacional de Prospectiva y Altos Estudios, S.C.Giselle Buchán
Ricardo Díaz
Alice Oriani
Claudia Muñóz
Maria Fernanda Martí
Gabriela Guerra
Rocío Mejía
Dasha Horita
Guadalupe Cuellar
Lilia Pacheco
Mónica Gutierrez
Jessica Burillo
Jessica Flores
Yanko Heinze
Tianguis Alternativo Bosque de Agua A.C.
Ilya Trombitsky, PhD
Executive Director
Eco-TIRAS International Environmental Association of River KeepersNepal
Nazayan Kaji Shaestha
WATCHRajendra Lamichhane
FECOFUNGhanashyam Pandey
FECOFUNAmba Datta Bhatta
Institute of Cultural AffairsBinod Bhatta
New Zealand
Claire Bleakley
GE Free (NZ) in Food and EnvironmentMargaret Aylward
Clare Brown
Milton Brown
Brent Whiteley
Grant Whiteley
Northern Ireland
Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland
Lars Løvold (Director)
Rainforest Foundation NorwayPakistan
Shahid Zia
Lok Sanjh FoundationAtta Rajar
Bureau Chief
Pedros Rivera Ramos
Peter Dam
Forest Management & Product Certification ServiceTaksey Dobon
Indigenous People's Rights and Initiatives to Development. (IPIRD)Paraguay
Nancy Riquelme
Julia Franco
Secretaria de Relaciones
Jorge Prado Sumari
Secretario General Colegiado
Confederación Campesina del Perú, CCPJuan W. Mendoza Aguirre
Dirigente Nacional CCPIng. Enrique Moya Bendezu
Presidente Ejecutivo
KUNTURNETEmperatriz Rodríguez Quiroz
Programa de Sensibilización y Educación Ambiental
KUNTURNETDaniel Maynas Inuma
Presidente del Centro de Promoción y Desarrollo Rural Amazónico-CEPODRAJorge Ernesto Llosa Montagne
Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación Agraria Pozuzo
Proyecto de Bosques Secundarios
Selva Central de PerúAlejandro Camino D.C.
Iniciativa HimalAndesAlejandro Camino D.C.
Rocío Infante
Ashoka Región AndinaAnna Zucchetti
Grupo GEA "Emprendemos el Cambio"Jorge Luis Novoa Arevalo
Alejandro Gómez Arangua
LA TIERRADimas Flores Peralta
Quimico Farmaceutico
Maestria de Auditoria, gestion en Medio Ambiente
Consultor en Suministro de Medicamentos en el consorcio Cayetano heredia – AISWily Palomino Condori
Miembro de la Asociacion Ecosistemas Andinos ECOAN de PerúIng. MS Rafael Chumbimune Zanabria
Amazonica PlantacionesOscar Guadalupe Zevallos
Asociación HUARAYOReynaldo Trinidad Ardiles
LimaRóger Rumrrill García
Instituto Peruano de Desarrollo "Hombre y Tierra"
LimaJaime Llosa Larrabure
Asesor de la Red Ambiental Peruana - RapEgar Yabar Larrondo
DNI 17846878
TrujilloMoraima Rojas
Sección EcologíaJulián Cortez Sánchez
Revista "Alimentación & Salud"
LimaOlga del Carpio Velarde
Instituto de Medio Ambiente y Género para el DesarrolloJuly Rimac Coral
Profesora de CienciasEmma Visbal Herrera
Javier M. Claparols
Ecological Society of the PhilippinesDr. Helen N. Mendoza
Romeo F. Quijano
College of Medicine
Univ of the Phils ManilaAbi Aguilar
Program Officer
Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural
Areas (PhilDHRRA)Antonio M. Claparols
Ecological Society of the PhilippinesAngelina P. Galang, ph.D.
Miriam CollegeVictoria M. Segovia
Ma. Rosario G. Wood
Chair, Science Department
Miriam CollegeMaria Kalaw
Khyn P. Yap
Earth Charter Youth Group - Negros
Mateusz Banski
Avelino Braga
Puerto Rico (Borike)
Evelyn Moreno
Naniki Reyes Ocasio
Caney 5to Mundo
Confederacion Unida del Pueblo TainoMabel Rodriguez
Directora de comunicaciones
Sierra Club, Capitulo de Puerto RicoJose L. Alsina
Anna Laletina
Friends of the Siberian ForestsScotland
Mandy Haggith
Bill Ritchie
worldforestsAndrew Thompson BSc (For)
Daniel Lesinsky
South Africa
Leslie Liddell
Biowatch S.A.Annette Papenhagen (B.Sc.Biology)
Vanessa Black
Earthlife Africa eThekwini branch, South AfricaSpain
Marta Bisbe Regás
PronaturalezaTeresa Sanz Gastardi
Rubén Urzúa Zurita
Ingeniero CivilErika González
Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina
Asociación Paz con DignidadAurorra Aroca
Sigfrido Miralles de Argila
Fernando Ballenilla García de Gamarra
Profesor de la Universidad de AlicanteAntonio Navarrete Salvador
Angeles Carballo Casaus
Profesora de Biología y Geología de Enseñanza Secundaria.
Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria de Mutxamel (Alicante)Pura Sempere Molina
Profesora de Biología de Enseñanza MediaAmparo Barroso
Begoña Sánchez Puerto
Héctor Gravina Ramos
Coordinador del Grup de Tòxics d'Alternativa VerdaBenito Andrade
Asociación pola defensa da Ría (APDR)Adriana Echeverría
Coro Jimenez-Arellano Juanena
Tom Kucharz
Ecologistas en AcciónRuben Bernardino
Sustainable DesignerOctavio Moreno
Julia Urquijo Reguera
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)Esther Blanco Cartagena
University of the Balearic IslandsMiguel Angel Soto Caba
Campaña de Bosques
Greenpeace EspañaOscar Bartra Carreras
Sonia Bonazza Colón
Greenpeace EspañaCarla Gonzales
Manuel Lucendo Hernan
Rosa Burgos Pérez
Daniel Camon i Pastor
Lic. Ciencias Ambientales
BarcelonaLaia Serra Sellarès
Alawiyya Jamal
Programme and Project Coordinator
Environmentalist SocietySweden
Peter Wrenfelt
Ellie Cijvat
board member
Friends of the Earth SwedenCasey Little
Taiga Rescue NetworkSwitzerland
Damian Oettli
Tina Goethe
Head of Development PoliticsThailand
Jim Enright
Southeast Asian Coordinator
Mangrove Action Project (MAP)Tanzania, East Africa
C. Shembilu
Caritas-DSMLeopoldo Salmaso
European Representative of TANDEMUnited Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi
Marise Sfeir
Pascal Ibrahim
Agriculture engineer
MS in BiotechnolgyUganda
Kamese Geoffrey N.
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)United Kingdom
Angie Zelter
Reforest the EarthMartin Haggerty
Genetic Engineering Network
United KIngdomMadeleine Parkyn
Scarborough Against Genetic EngineeringAnthony Jackson
Munlochy GM VigilTeresa Anderson
Gaia FoundationMarcus Colchester
Forest Peoples ProgrammeOliver Tickell
Liz Chidley
Down to Earth - the International Campaign for Ecological Justice in IndonesiaAndy Kadir-Buxton
APAC and MPCSam Burcher
Insitute of Science in SocietyElisabet Lopez
Environment Advocacy Coordinator
ProgressioClare Oxborrow
Friends of the Earth EnglandMal Mitchell
Carrie Stebbings, Co-ordinator
University of KentTobias Jackson
Community Forestry Technical Advisor
( working for FAO in Cambodia)William Ellens
Walsall Friends of the EarthAmanda Yorwerth
St Albans Friends of the EarthDonald C Macdonald
Jane Temple
Carol Cholerton
Denise Pennie
Joel Senoff
United States
Alex P. Brown
Executive Director
BarkChuck Kaufman
Nicaragua NetworkGretchen Ruethling
Communications Coordinator, Media Outreach
Rainforest AlliancePatty McGrath
Rachel Coombs
New Hampshire Peace ActionJoel Rosenblum
Hugh Sanborn
John Friede
Executive Director
Worldview, Ltd.Paul and Gene de Benedictis
Mary Bull, Co-director <>
Greenwood Earth Alliance, Save the Redwoods - Boycott the Gap Campaign
Chalice Farm and Sustainable Living CenterThe Enviro Show
Northampton, MAMichael J. Marx
Corporate Ethics InternationalRonnie Cummins
Organic Consumers AssociationJim Wells
Oregon Wild Edibles
PO Box 11021
Eugene, OR 97440Rev. Walter Stark
Cumberland Countians for Peace & JusticeRev. Charles Lord
Caney Fork Headwaters AssociationDonald B. Clark
Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility
United Church of ChristRobert Roth
Hope Shand
ETC GroupDon Kimball
Michele Cheung
Dark Night relativesMichael A Conley
John Blair
Valley Watch, Inc.Professor Lawrence Hamilton
Former Senior Fellow
East West CenterOshana Catranides
Buffalo Bruce
Board Chair, WNRC
Western Nebraska Resources CouncilWorld Information Transfer, Inc.
Tim Jeffries-Quintero
Bend-Condega Friendship ProjectJosh Schlossberg
Communications Coordinator
Native Forest CouncilLori Ann Burd
Northwest Resistance Against Genetic EngineeringPenny Lind
Executive Director
Umpqua WatershedsBethany Fleishman
Pat Rasmussen
World Temperate Rainforest NetworkKye Cochran
General Manager
Upper Valley Food Co-op
White River Junction, VermontMike Petersen
The Lands CouncilBetty Ball
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice CenterPete Shanks
Lea Wood
Pete Cutting
Barbara Bates
Lowell Downey
Katie Aaron
Erica Martenson
Preserving the Integrity of Napa AgricultureKathleen Shepherd
Dartmouth CollegeElizabeth Champagne
Adamant Co-op (VT)Sue West
Tanya Croke
Donna Jordan
Marti King
Sharon Rich
Bernie & Marcia Altman
Arran E. Thomson
Christian L Heinold
Carla Christianson
Jerome Solotky
Karl J. Volk
Lydia Garvey
Greg Rupert
Citizens for a Sustainable PlanetSylvan Grey
Susanna Bonner
Maureen Freeman
White Violet Center for Eco-JusticeLouise Lacey
Growing NativeHelena Melone
Margaret Eisenberger
International Center for Tropical EcologyPatty McGrath
Denton Bragg
Stephen Hall
Friends of the NavarroSteve Baker
Pam Trenholm
Brighton BotanicalsLaurel Hopwood
Chair, Sierra Club Genetic Engineering CommitteeErik Jansson
President Department of the Planet Earth, Inc.Meg Berlin
Activist/ VTGEAN
(Vermont Genetic Engineering Action Network)Hylah Egeland
Zelda Wilson
Eldon Ball
Kelly Stoddard
Cedric Lawson
Ingrid K. Loesch
Jeanne Fossani
Rob Fish
GE Free MainePeter and Gail Mott, Co-Editors
Dragon Dance TheatreKelly Quirke
Executive Director
Friends of the Urban ForestAlex Jack
Planetary Health, Inc.
Amberwaves NetworkJeff Conant
Hesperian Foundation/People's Health MovementBill Simpich
Declaration of PeaceMelinda McComb
Brad Hippert
Cynthia Hendel
Bob Summers
Kathleen Calhoun
Wendy Scher
Beth Braun
GeneWiseJulie Colangeli
MaryAnn Tellinghusen
Arran E. Thomson
Lauralee Sikorski
Alexis Lathem
Dr. Dorothy K. Cinquemani
Ann Lipsitt
Will Miller Social Justice Lecture SeriesKaren Ganey
Stop GE Trees CampaignNancy S. Lovejoy
Barbara Grant
Central VT Women\'s International League Peace FreedomLewis Lipsitt
Brown UniversityHugh Sanborn
Steve Raymen
Jonathan Corcoran
Hiroshi Kanno, President
Concerned Citizens of NewportMichael Feiner
Deborah Borgono
Matthew Wade
Information Officer
GenewiseTracey Lee
Ayesha Gill, Ph.D.
GeneticistCristian Guerrero
Rising Tide North AmericaRandy Hayes
International Forum on GlobalizationAaron Sanger
Chile Program Director
ForestEthicsAlexis Wyrofsky
Robin Gorges
Jessica Lawrence
Executive Director
The Borneo Project, USAMelanie Ellingsen
Nina Berryman
Diana Bohn
Nicaragua Center for Community ActionKristen Bonnette
Sara Grusky
Water for All Campaign
Food & Water WatchTim Hermach
Native Forest CouncilDenise Lytle
Paula Palmer, Executive Director
Global ResponseDavid Pike
Katuah Earth First!Alfredo Quarto, Executive Director
Mangrove Action ProjectJulia Shaffer
Mobilization for Global JusticeGeorge Androney
Dr. Glen Barry
Ecological Internet, Inc.Matthew Ennis
Christine Keyser
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH)Jacob Leach
Gabrielle Roesch
WashingtonZoe Satorie
Michelle Waters
Craig Williams
Matthew R. Courter
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Seattle, WAGene Fox
York Harbor, METim Keating
Rainforest Relief
New York, NYUruguay
RAP-AL Uruguay
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas de América LatinaBioptimistas (Campaña Permanente contra los OGM)
Karin Nansen
REDES Amigos de la TierraRaúl Zibechi
Semanario BRECHAPablo Machado Mendívil
Brillante Saravia
Grupo Caa-obetiDra Isabel Lucas
Grupo Caa-obetiIng. Agr. Anahit Aharonian
Alicia Borges Figueroa
Santiago Possamay
PeriodistaEmma Grau
Prof. Fernando Tabó
Coordinador Centro Nacional para el Desarrollo SutentableMaria Noel Salgado
Coordinadora Maela Cono SurMildred Silva
Lic. María Selva Ortiz
REDES-Amigos de la TierraCoordinadora PAYSANDU
Daniel Michelazzo
Àlvaro Brenes Pardiñas
Federación de Organizaciones y Juntas Ambientalistas de Venezuela: "FORJA"
Ignacio Alzuru
Centro para la Gestion Tecnologica PopularEfrén Calderón Medina
Owaldo Lepage Lista
Foro Ciudadano: Transparencia y ContraloríaWales
Friends of the Earth Wales