Community Forests. Equity, use and conservation


As we all know, the conservation of the world’s forests requires the adoption of a series of measures to change the current model of destruction, among which the empowerment of local communities to manage their own forests.

In most of the countries of the world, there are many examples of appropriate forest management, in which environmentally sustainable use is assured while benefiting local communities.

This type of management is generically known as “community-based forest management,” although it adopts different modalities in accordance with the socio-environmental diversity of the places where it is developed.

This publication (also available in Spanish and French) aims at supporting and promoting this type of approach. The book is divided into two sections: the first one, presents a series of analytical article on the subject, and the second one consists of a selection of articles based on experiences of community forest management from different countries of the world.

Community Forests. Equity, use and conservation