The Green Economy

The Green Economy is a tactic used to “clean up” the image of corporations rather than address corporate capture and capitalism as the true drivers of deforestation. False solutions promoted under the Green Economy include certification, sustainable forest management, ecosystem services, REDD+, the bioeconomy, nature-based climate solutions, and zero net deforestation. Rather than stopping it, these “solutions” support corporate-driven destruction that is causing a deep social and ecological crisis.

Bulletin articles 4 August 2014
In March this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international scientific body tasked with the responsibility of assessing climate change, released its 5th assessment report, mainly focusing on ‘impacts, adaptation and vulnerability’, with a full chapter dedicated to global food security and production systems (1).
Bulletin articles 4 August 2014
  (*) “Marine and coastal territories” is used here to refer to territories that include mangrove forests and their area of influence, seagrass meadows and intertidal saltmarshes. The communities that depend on mangrove forests and other coastal ecosystems for survival live in and around these territories. 1.- What is a “Blue Carbon” project?
Other information 4 August 2014
REDD is one of the most controversial issues in the climate change debate. The basic concept is simple: governments, companies or forest owners in the global South should be rewarded for keeping their forests standing instead of cutting them down. The devil, as always, is in the details. REDD-Monitor looks into some of those details.
Other information 4 August 2014
By OtrosMundos Chiapas. The so-called “Green Economy” is a new area of business. It is called “Green” not because it is good for the environment, but because its commodity is nature. We are seeing a stage of advanced Capitalism in which the water, soil, biodiversity, air, subsoil, the components of nature and of life and even the landscape are being converted into commodities.
Other information 4 August 2014
 By SERVINDI . While the world’s governments debate the catastrophic consequences of global warming, a trading structure of global scope threatens to establish a new form of subjugation in Asia and Africa, by appropriating one of the main agents of life on Earth: its forests. The lead actor in this threat is REDD, which is sponsored by the United Nations and masquerades as one of the solutions to global warming.
Other information 4 August 2014
By FPP. While focusing in particular on the German financing of rainforest protection in Cameroon, this report also covers the broader issue of how Cameroon’s forest policies are shaped by the REDD process. It takes a case study approach, examining the way such forest protection policies impact on local communities by focusing in on the specific example of those communities whose land has been overlaid by the Takamanda National Park
Other information 4 August 2014
In the global level, we energetically reject “false solutions” to global warming. Climate negotiations have become a great marketplace, creating tools and mechanisms to clean up the image of the most polluting countries and companies, such as the “Clean Development Mechanism” (CDM) or REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). These tools allow the capitalist system to continue to consume the natural resources that belong in common to all humanity.
Other information 4 August 2014
By the World Rainforest Movement. This booklet produced by WRM was published over a year ago. It is being re-launched with a new introduction which explains in an accessible language what REDD means. Download it here
Other information 4 July 2014
FSC Watch . In July 2010, Suzano Pulp and Paper bought the biotechnology company FuturaGene, which for the past 8 years has been carrying out field trials of genetically engineered eucalyptus. In January 2014, FuturaGene applied to Brazil’s National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) for approval to plant GE trees on a commercial scale. Suzano is FSC-certified and plans to plant GE trees on a commercial scale.