The Green Economy

The Green Economy is a tactic used to “clean up” the image of corporations rather than address corporate capture and capitalism as the true drivers of deforestation. False solutions promoted under the Green Economy include certification, sustainable forest management, ecosystem services, REDD+, the bioeconomy, nature-based climate solutions, and zero net deforestation. Rather than stopping it, these “solutions” support corporate-driven destruction that is causing a deep social and ecological crisis.

Bulletin articles 5 April 2014
Today, we watch as the capitalist system undergoes a major restructuring in order to keep the current order of oppression and exploitation in place.
Other information 12 March 2014
25 February 2014
Dear friends, your support in needed! The Sengwer people – an indigenous hunter-gatherer community in the Cherangany hills in Kenya- is being forcibly evicted from its territory. Many of us have been following closely the story, as recent as last January, but is something that has been taking place since the year 2007. These evictions are directly linked to the World Bank’s funding of the Kenyan government’s REDD+ ‘readiness’ , through the bank’s Natural Resource Management Project (NRMP).
Other information 25 February 2014
February 25, 2014 Download here the full letter in pdf format with the final list of sign-ons 
Action alerts 25 February 2014
Dear friends, your support in needed! The Sengwer people – an indigenous hunter-gatherer community in the Cherangany hills in Kenya- is being forcibly evicted from its territory. Many of us have been following closely the story, as recent as last January, but is something that has been taking place since the year 2007. These evictions are directly linked to the World Bank’s funding of the Kenyan government’s REDD+ ‘readiness’ , through the bank’s Natural Resource Management Project (NRMP).
Bulletin articles 5 February 2014
Content of this article: Introduction - Box: What is being traded in ‘Ecosystem Service’ Markets? From PES to ‘offset’ payments for ‘environmental services’ - Different types of PES - From simple trade to complex financial market transaction - Spot the differences
Other information 5 February 2014
REDD Monitor website with articles and blog in English. Most widely read website with information and analysis critical of REDD and trading in ‘ecosystem services’
Other information 5 February 2014
Academic article by R. Muradian and others.
Other information 5 February 2014
FERN Briefing that describes “how biodiversity offset schemes have fared so far and shows that the picture is far from rosy”. With examples showing how biodiversity offsets are used in the UK and France to undermine local opposition against unnecessary large infrastructure projects.
Other information 5 February 2014
Article from IATP explains the connection between the Green Economy and PES trading related to water. Available at:
Other information 5 February 2014
Leaflet produced by Les Amis de la Terre France that shows why making nature, ecosystems and water tradable will not solve our current global crisis. It also criticises the finance sector’s ‘Natural Capital Declaration’ which outlines new market mechanisms which the finance sector aims to use as part of the so-called ‘green economy’.