The Green Economy

The Green Economy is a tactic used to “clean up” the image of corporations rather than address corporate capture and capitalism as the true drivers of deforestation. False solutions promoted under the Green Economy include certification, sustainable forest management, ecosystem services, REDD+, the bioeconomy, nature-based climate solutions, and zero net deforestation. Rather than stopping it, these “solutions” support corporate-driven destruction that is causing a deep social and ecological crisis.

Action alerts 10 March 2022
Ahead of vital UN moment for biodiversity, "nature-based solutions" are once again being erroneously heralded as the solution.
Bulletin articles 4 January 2022
The false idea that industrial plantations are a solution to the climate crisis is a golden opportunity for investment funds like Arbaro, which access scarce climate funding for expanding destructive monocultures.
Other information 4 January 2022
Offsetting scams are the new climate denial… and it has dangerous consequences. Greenpeace released this short video to highlight how French oil giant Total claims they’re committed to a clean energy future, but they are trying to drill for oil in a pristine forest in the Republic of Congo - home to many indigenous communities. See the video here.
Bulletin articles 17 December 2021
The UN Land-Grabbing Summit in Glasgow made it once again clear that these spaces will never advance the already existing solutions to the climate crisis.
Other information 17 December 2021
The Oilwatch Latin America network released this statement in October 2021 to stress the urgency of ensuring that fossil fuel energies remain underground.
Other information 17 December 2021
An excerpt from a forthcoming book entitled “Climate Opium” explores how we are overdosing on false solutions to climate change, so much that the biggest mammals on earth are being forced into carbon pricing schemes.
Action alerts 26 November 2021
Communities in Nyanga province, Gabon, released the Bana / Mayumba Declaration in which they call for the suspension of the GRANDE MAYUMBA project, a multi-concession megaproject marketing as a so-called Nature-Based Solution.
Bulletin articles 27 September 2021
The Palmas del Ixcán company has used multiple tactics to grab land, as well as a deceptive RSPO certification process and the use of “independent producers.” Despite criminalization of communities, their resistance grows ever stronger.
Bulletin articles 27 September 2021
Suzano, the world’s largest producer of eucalyptus pulp, is seeking to intensify its operations with so-called ‘green bonds’ as a way to finance its expansion projects.
Action alerts 27 September 2021
The statement is already closed for sign-ons.
Bulletin articles 9 July 2021
Certification schemes seeking to legitimize activities that harm the environment and its people, with terms like “sustainable,” are a survival strategy for capitalism. In the framework of the energy transition, even the mining industry seeks to validate its unstoppable growth. A transition must happen, but in a fair and consensual way, not based on more green lies.
Action alerts 10 June 2021
A call to Brazilian society and the peoples of the world to defend the territories from capitalism and its new “green” onslaught.