Indigenous Peoples' Struggles

Action alerts 30 July 2024
Indigenous, peasant, traditional and Afro-descendent peoples from the Amazon region and Central America call organizations and social movements all over the world to endorse this declaration rejecting carbon projects in their territories.
Bulletin articles 26 February 2024
Indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon Basin have created a network to defend their rights to territory and self-determination. Their struggle is not only against deforestation, but also against conservation and carbon market projects—such as REDD projects—that cause more injustice and internal conflicts.
Bulletin articles 30 August 2016

Modern people usually refer to medicinal plants as resources at the service of humans. This way of referring to them does not seem to be universal. The Quechua-lamas of the Amazon foothills regard plants as people, even more, they treat them as if they were a living community.