Industrial Logging
Industrial logging opens up forests in order to extract the most economically valuable trees, leaving behind a trail of roads and destruction. Violence, corruption and illegality are often associated with the logging industry. “Sustainable management plans,” “low impact” or “selective” logging and certification schemes have only managed to cover up and perpetuate this destruction.
Bulletin articles
23 March 2022
What a certain historiography terms civilizational expansion or capital’s expansion has in fact been the invasion and de-territorialization of peoples and communities using much epistemic and territorial violence. Concessions have been granted in areas that are not demographic voids, a colonial concept that ignores the fact that they have been populated for millennia.
Bulletin articles
27 September 2021
The Sangha region is entirely under the control of three concessions that have colonial origins and continue to deploy guards against the forest inhabitants to prevent them using their ancestral lands.
Bulletin articles
29 April 2018
How secrecy and collusion in industrial agriculture spell disaster for the Congo Basin’s rainforests.
Bulletin articles
17 October 2003
Bulletin articles
31 July 2003
Bulletin articles
11 August 2001
Bulletin articles
19 March 2000