Large-Scale Tree Plantations

Industrial tree plantations are large-scale, intensively managed, even-aged monocultures, involving vast areas of fertile land under the control of plantation companies. Management of plantations involves the use of huge amounts of water as well as agrochemicals—which harm humans, and plants and animals in the plantations and surrounding areas.

Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
The process of territorial transformation in the southernmost part of Bahia is closely intertwined with agriculture in Brazil, and is based on an extremely unequal territorial structure that has been in place since colonial times. But this has recently been exacerbated by the imposition of a single model of extensive and intensive production, using land, water, agrochemicals, chemical inputs, large machinery and biotechnology. This is agribusiness in general, and in particular, the eucalyptus plantations that supply huge pulp mills.
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
Forests? Or Plantations?
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
Teak plantations in Ecuador are not intended for domestic consumption. All of the teak is exported. There are very few economic benefits for the areas where teak is produced, due to the small amount of labour it requires, producers' non-existent social investment, and the loss of food sovereignty and water scarcity that this industry causes.
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
For over 20 year now, certification schemes such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) (1) have helped plantation companies secure their profits and protect their reputation. How do they do that, when the impacts of large-scale industrial eucalyptus, pine, acacia and oil palm plantations are so obvious for all to see?
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
Photo: STOP GE Trees Campaign
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
From 11th to 13th October, Mexico City will be hosting a High-Level “Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels” convened by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). ICAO is a specialised UN organisation with a long record of representing the interests of the aviation industry, i.e. airlines and aircraft manufacturers.
Bulletin articles 21 September 2017
Photo: Ecos Córdoba. Located in the central region of Argentina, Cordoba is one of the five largest provinces in the country. Between 1904 and 2004, it lost 95 percent of its native forest, mainly as a result of the expansion of large-scale agriculture. Its annual deforestation rates are among the highest in the world, bringing serious consequences for the environment, health and food sovereignty of the population, according to researchers at the National University of Cordoba (1).
Multimedia 10 September 2017
WRM releases five short videos which shows why industrial tree plantations are not forests. The first one is about the impacts of large-scale tree plantations in general. The other remaining four focus on specific topics: oil palm plantations, pulpwood plantations, impacts on water and certifications. The videos are available in two formats: - On the WRM YouTube cannel, to share on web sites, social networks, via e-mail, etc. - Versions in low resolution to download and share via WhatsApp and Telegram and for use in locations with slow Internet connection.
Multimedia 7 September 2017
Documentary by Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas para o Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul da Bahia - CEPEDES, Brazil.
Action alerts 28 August 2017
Click here to download this declaration in English   Women and the expansion of industrial oil palm plantations