Large-Scale Tree Plantations

Industrial tree plantations are large-scale, intensively managed, even-aged monocultures, involving vast areas of fertile land under the control of plantation companies. Management of plantations involves the use of huge amounts of water as well as agrochemicals—which harm humans, and plants and animals in the plantations and surrounding areas.

Declarations 12 September 2014
In the framework of the Latin American forum on “Large scale monocultures in Latin America, land grabbing and threats to biodiversity and food sovereignty” September 6-11, 2014 - Garifuna Territory, Honduras
Multimedia 8 September 2014
Continuing with the communications for September 21st, this time we would like to share with all of you a collection of videos that we have prepared together with GRAIN, on the impacts of large scale industrial oil palm plantations. The videos have been produced by several partners from around the world working against expansion of industrial oil palm plantations and they describe the impacts that local communities suffer when the expansion takes place on their territories.
Other information 7 September 2014
The Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees (CSGET) Urges FSC to Disassociate from Suzano/FuturaGene
Other information 4 September 2014
According to Global Forest Watch, Chile’s forests are expanding. On the ground, however, a different scene plays out: monocultures have replaced diverse natural forests, and tree plantations now occupy 43 per cent of the South-central Chilean landscape. Defining plantations as forests has allowed the government to expand monocultures at a rapid pace, robbing the Mapuche indigenous peoples’ territories. Despite this, the Mapuche continue a strong fight to recuperate their ancestral land rights.
Publications 29 August 2014
Only available in Spanish By the WRM and RECOMA Download as pdf here
Other information 4 July 2014
FSC Watch . In July 2010, Suzano Pulp and Paper bought the biotechnology company FuturaGene, which for the past 8 years has been carrying out field trials of genetically engineered eucalyptus. In January 2014, FuturaGene applied to Brazil’s National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) for approval to plant GE trees on a commercial scale. Suzano is FSC-certified and plans to plant GE trees on a commercial scale.
Action alerts 17 June 2014
Press release by GRAIN | Oakland Institute | World Rainforest Movement Contacts: Nasako Besingi, Struggle to Economize Future Environment (SEFE) +23775136000
Other information 10 June 2014
In a context of massive land concessions in Cameroon over the last five years, apresidential decision in 2013 to grant the US based company Herakles Farms almost 20,000 ha of native land for the establishment of a large-scale oil palm plantation ignored the long local people and organizations’ opposition to the projectthat would destroy a densely forested area.The move raised a broadly supported international “call to action” in December 2013 demanding the President to cancel the decision.