Carbon offsetting and REDD

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) has become the dominant international forest policy. Variations of REDD+ include Nature-Based Solutions and corporate pledges to achieve Zero Net Deforestation. In reality, though, deforestation continues, polluting companies use REDD+ offsets to avoid reducing their fossil fuel emissions, and zero-net deforestation pledges allow forests to be cleared in one area as long as an “equivalent” area is restored elsewhere.

Action alerts 30 July 2024
Indigenous, peasant, traditional and Afro-descendent peoples from the Amazon region and Central America call organizations and social movements all over the world to endorse this declaration rejecting carbon projects in their territories.
Publications 9 November 2022
Amid the flurry of news about investments in carbon markets, a new WRM study has taken a closer look at a REDD initiative underway in the municipality of Portel, in the state of Pará in the Brazilian Amazon. The case illustrates what is known as "carbon colonialism".
Action alerts 10 June 2022
(Only in Portuguese) Será realizada no dia 11 de junho em Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brasil
Publications 28 April 2022
This publication gathers eleven articles that reflect on fundamental and dangerous dimensions of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), the dominant forest policy around the world since 2007.
Action alerts 10 March 2022
Ahead of vital UN moment for biodiversity, "nature-based solutions" are once again being erroneously heralded as the solution.
Action alerts 27 September 2021
The statement is already closed for sign-ons.
Action alerts 10 June 2021

A call to Brazilian society and the peoples of the world to defend the territories from capitalism and its new “green” onslaught.

Publications 6 April 2021

WRM Bulletin Compilation. Available in English and Indonesian.

Action alerts 3 November 2020

We call on organizations to sign this open letter before this Friday 6th of November!!!

Action alerts 18 August 2020

That is the message from more than 80 organisations to the GCF Board on 17 August 2020. The organisations call on the Board to reject in particular two requests for so-called “Results-Based Payments” for deforestation supposedly reduced years ago.

Action alerts 13 August 2020

We invite organisations to sign until Monday, 17 August. The letter urges the GCF Board to reject in particular two requests for so-called “Results-Based Payments” from the goverments of Indonesia and Colombia.