Seeds of Hope
“What are the solutions to forest destruction?” “What are the alternatives?” Questions like these are often raised to squash possible debate that could lead to real solutions to deforestation and climate chaos. The way forward starts with ending the assault on forest peoples and their ways of life, and learning about their relationships with their territories. For generations, forest-dependent communities have lived in and with forests, and have protected them.
Bulletin articles
31 October 2013
Bulletin articles
14 December 2012
Article based on a field visit and conversations with villagers in 5 of the 7 most affected communities by this project.
Bulletin articles
30 October 2012
Other information
30 October 2011
Bulletin articles
30 August 2009
Bulletin articles
26 January 2005
Bulletin articles
13 December 2003
Bulletin articles
17 October 2003