Struggles for the Forests
When corporations destroy forests, or restrict or even prohibit access to forest peoples' territories, they place communities' ways of life and their very existence at risk. WRM supports forest peoples' struggles to defend their territories, and their right to decide how to live, and how to use the forests they depend on.
19 February 2025
Invitamos este lunes 24 de febrero a participar del lanzamiento virtual para Latinoamérica de este documental sobre la resistencia de comunidades indígenas y tradicionales al avance de REDD y otros proyectos del mercado de carbono sobre sus territorios.
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24 October 2024
The Articulação Agro é Fogo, which brings together social movements, organisations and pastoralists who have been working for decades to defend the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal and the rights of their peoples and communities, has released an open letter.
9 May 2024
JATAM East Kalimantan denounces the recent move of the Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimoeljono, to appeal against the decision of a State Administrative Court in Jakarta that the government should make public a number of documents that it had kept secret.
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26 February 2024
The production of audio-visual tools, videos and podcasts in the Amazon, where Indigenous Peoples talk about their realities and resistance struggles, is increasing.
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25 October 2023
Alamindo Lestari Sejahtera (ALS) Group, that owns and controls at least three timber companies and industries in Papua, is expanding the business of timber forest products exploitation in the customary area of the Moi Tribe through a company called PT Hutan Hijau Papua Barat (HHPB).
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22 July 2023
Activists from the World Rainforest Movement (WRM) and the World March of Women share their reflections after an exchange that took place in Brazil, with activists from different territories in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
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30 March 2023
13 March 2023
Indigenous people from Balik tribe in Sepaku Lama Village, North Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan, carried out an action rejecting the plan to evict their villages around and along the Sepaku river for the project management of Floods or normalization of the Sepaku River center of Indonesia new capital city.
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11 October 2022
Documentary film produced by NUPOMAR, Núcleo de Pesquisa, Mídias e Arte, with the purpose of recording and valuing the social memory of the Pataxó Indigenous Peoples of Aldeia Barra Velha (in the municipality of Porto Seguro-Bahia), Brazil.
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12 September 2022
A report was compiled based on workshops to share the discussions, proposals and challenges ahead in order to strengthen water justice struggles.
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12 September 2022
A research by the Urgent Action Fund- Africa (UAF-Africa) underlines how it is women who bear the brunt of lack of water and how this has an impact on their health and livelihoods as well as that of their families and wider community.
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16 June 2022