Action Alerts

Action alerts

Only available in Spanish.

29 September 2021
Action alerts

(Only available in Portuguese)

29 September 2021
Action alerts
The statement is already closed for sign-ons.
27 September 2021
Action alerts

Statement Condemns Proposed Use of Genetically Engineered Trees in Wrong-Headed Climate Mitigation Schemes.

12 September 2021
Action alerts
They have been living in the Kaeng Krachan forests for generations. When a National Park was created, they started to suffer violence and evictions. 22 people have been prosecuted this year. They could face a jail term of 4 to 20 years.
3 August 2021
Action alerts

A call to Brazilian society and the peoples of the world to defend the territories from capitalism and its new “green” onslaught.

10 June 2021
Action alerts

A young man was killed and other people are still in prison. It was after a protest against the failure of the PHC company to provide local communities with any benefits after 100 years of illegally occupying their land.

10 March 2021
Action alerts

RIAO-RDC and international NGOs calls for the immediate release of community leaders and villagers from the communities of Mwingi, Bolesa and Yanongo who were arrested after a peaceful protest against the palm oil company PHC. An urgent action alert is open to sign-ons.

18 February 2021
Action alerts

Organisations, social movements and activists, from 40 countries express their support and solidarity with a community struggle in Northeastern Thailand to reclaim the land and forests encroached on by the Thor Silasitthi mining company.

2 December 2020
Action alerts

We call organizations around the world to adhere to this letter of solidarity with the women and men human rights defenders (W/HRDs) of Khao Lao Yai-Pha Jun Dai Forest Conservation Group.

9 November 2020
Action alerts

We call on organizations to sign this open letter before this Friday 6th of November!!!

3 November 2020