
Bulletin articles 23 August 2017
Colombia is one of the first Latin American countries to set up and implement specific rules and regulations on biodiversity offsets. In addition to article 50 of law 99 from 1993, both resolution 1503 from 2010, and law 1450 from 2011 establish the need to standardize environmental offset mechanisms.
Bulletin articles 7 July 2017
How to make the sustainability of life the center of debate
Bulletin articles 9 May 2016
If they touch our blood, they touch the earth If they touch the earth, they touch our blood Motto of the Women of the Xinka Peoples (Guatemala)
Other information 11 March 2015
An article by Charo Rojas, Marilyn Machado, Patricia Botero and Arturo Escobar charts the cumulative processes that have infringed the rights of Afro-descendant populations and destroyed their territories. These processes, they say, are of such magnitude that they may be regarded as crimes against humanity, ecocide and ethnocide.
Other information 2 October 2014
Ony available in Spanish. Más de 100 personas entre estudiantes, ambientalistas, activistas sociales y dirigentes comunitarios, se congregaron el domingo 21 de septiembre en inmediaciones de la vereda El Manzano 20 kilómetros al suroriente de Pereira. La cita era en el marco de la jornada mundial contra los monocultivos forestales, justo en esta zona rural donde la multinacional Smurfit kappa Cartón de Colombia acapara grandes extensiones sembradas en eucaliptos y pinos.
Other information 4 September 2014
Friends of the Earth Colombia, CENSAT Agua Viva, is making available to the public three promotional audios for the Conference on Páramos and High Mountains, aimed at reaching the residents of the high Andean mountains. The Conference calls on mountain communities and the campesino, indigenous and social organizations of Colombia to participate in a space for reflection and networking by people for the defence of the mountain territories.
Bulletin articles 4 September 2014
Meekly the water flows from lichens and stones like a flood of feelings from the soul of the earth... (Efraín Gutiérrez Zambrano)
Bulletin articles 4 September 2014
Bulletin articles 4 July 2014
"They consider us the periphery of the periphery"
Other information 13 November 2013
The Global Forest Coalition launched a new report on 'REDD+ and the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and forest Degradation' based on five case studies in Brazil, Colombia, India, Uganda and Tanzania elaborated by national organizations in those countries themselves. It was launched at the 19th Conference of the Parties of the Climate Convention in Warsaw.
Other information 11 September 2013
Only available in Spanish -      En el marco de la conmemoración del 21 de septiembre, Día Internacional contra los Monocultivos de Árboles, el Colectivo Ecologista Campo está organizando su II Foro de Conflictos Ambientales en Colombia, con la temática de Agroindustria y Conflictos Forestales. Tendrá lugar en día miércoles 18 de septiembre, de 3 a 6 pm en la Universidad del Rosario, Salón 601, Torre2. Entrada Libre.