We received the following message from Brazilian forester Jackson Roberto Eleoterio (from the University of Sao Paulo), which we can't but share with our readers:
Why doesn't your "organization" mind your own business instead of mixing yourselves with the confusion created by indian delinquents incited by a bunch of unemployed leftists, who only wish to embarrass a productive enterprise such as ARACRUZ, which is thereby forced to make concessions to avoid an international scandal. The situation is that the indians destroy the fertility of their land, which has already been demarcated, and want new lands, preferably with all the infrastructure in place.
Original version in Portuguese
Por que a "organizacao" de voces nao cuida de seus proprios problemas e vem se meter nas confusoes criadas por indios deliquentes incitados por um bando de desocupados da esquerda, que soh querem atrapalhar uma empresa produtiva como a ARACRUZ e que assim eh obrigada a ceder, senao formaria-se um escandalo internacional. A situacao eh que os indios destroem a fertilidade de sua terra, jah demercada e querem novas terras, de preferencia com toda a infra-estrutura.