Mobilization to denounce the abuses of the SOCFIN company, which has the Bolloré Group as major shareholder

plantaciones SOCAPALM

Hundreds of people who live in the vicinity of SOCAPALM and SAFACAM plantations went to SOCAPALM headquarters in Bonanjo, Douala, Cameroon, to request a serious dialogue. Local residents complain that the existing dialogue is very uncertain, and that it lacks a strong framework for effective problem-solving. This is considering the very little progress made in recent years. Local communities, organized through SYNAPARCAM, are requesting to meet with the Director General to establish a solid framework for dialogue.

Read the press release from the National Synergy of Farmers and Coastal Residents of Cameroon (SYNAPARCAM, by its French acronym). Read SYNAPARCAM's demand to reach a resolution to conflicts (both in French).