19 February 2025
Available in English soon.
7 November 2023
On October 28th, thousands of residents from Sagea, Gemaf and other villages on the island of Halmahera entered in shock with security forces when they occupied the installatioins of PT IWIP (Industrial Weda Bay Industrial Park) to protest against the company´s nickel mining activities that are destroying their land.
31 March 2022
On 15 March, over 360 organisations launched a statement exposing that "Nature Based Solutions" will cause huge new land grabs and promote harmful practices like monoculture tree plantations and industrial agriculture.
23 March 2020
The community of Antsotso produced this video showing the impact of a biodiversity offset project of the mining corporation Rio Tinto /QMM on their livelihoods and their subsistence food production.
17 September 2019
21 September, International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations
11 December 2012
11 September 2009
Animation about the differences to local people between a forest and a tree plantation.