The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH, for its Spanish acronym) denounces to the national and international public the murder attempts against Tomás Gomez Membreño, General Coordinator of COPINH and Alexander García Sorto, community leader of Llano Grande, Colomoncagua. " 7 months after the murder of our comrade Berta Cáceres, the lives of those who oppose the construction of projects of death such as the Agua Zarca / DESA dam in the Gualcarque river and the dam of HIDROSIERRA company on the Negro river in the municipality of Colomoncagua continue to be threatened. Read the full statement (in Spanish) here:
See also
Honduras: Murder attempts against the General Coordinator and a community leader of COPINH
WRM Bulletin 226
21 October 2016
Countries: Honduras