“Economía verde. El asalto final a los bienes comunes” (Green Economy: The final assault on the commons), only in Spanish, is a “copyright-free” publication jointly produced by GRAIN, Alianza Biodiversidad, World Rainforest Movement (WRM) and Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC). The report addresses the deepening of the climate and environmental crisis and how governments and corporations are working to turn it into a profitable new area of business they call the “green economy”.
With articles on the continued destruction of forests in Latin America and the Caribbean under the guise of “sustainable” management, the commodification and privatization driven by REDD projects in numerous countries of Latin America, and the repercussions of these new projects on agriculture, health and the people in general, this publication demonstrates that the so-called green economy is simply “more of the same”.
The full report is available at http://wrm.org.uy/es/files/2015/02/Economia_Verde_El_Asalto_Final.pdf