Mangroves, food sovereignty for coastal communities was the theme chosen this year for the International Day for the Defence of Mangrove Ecosystems (July 26) by Redmanglar International, which organized a variety of activities in Latin America between July 16 and July 26 to mark the occasion. During these days, representatives of various organizations joined with local communities to carry out mangrove reforestation work and to gather mangrove tree seeds . Other activities included press conferences, radio shows, video screenings, and fora on the situation of mangroves in Jiquilisco Bay. Redmanglar Internacional also issued an "Open letter to governments of countries with mangrove ecosystems" which calls for the adoption of "policies aimed at halting projects and activities that endanger and threaten marine coastal territories and the lives of the communities" that depend on them. See
Mangroves, food sovereignty for coastal communities