The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela called on movements and social organizations from around the globe to gather in the Margarita Island, on July 15-18, to prepare their participation in the social pre-summit on climate change, which will be organized by the UN, for the first time, as proposed by the government of Venezuela, on November 4-7 in the same Island. The final Declaration, which will be the basis for creating proposals towards the UN climate talks and to deliver to the ministries at the pre-summit, establishes a common platform to confront climate change, highlighting the urgent need to change the political, economic, social and cultural system that has generated it.
The Declaration strongly rejects the false solutions to climate change, such as the carbon markets, REDD and other forms of privatization and commodification of life of the green economy; intellectual property rights; mega-dams; monocultures; nuclear energy; climate engineering; agrofuels; transgenic seeds; and any other mechanism that violates the rights of the People. Moreover, among others, it proposes to transform the power relations and the decision-making systems; transform the production and consumption systems; etc. See Declaration: