BRIEFING: Tree Plantations for the Carbon Market. Why, how, and where are they expanding?

The briefing is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The carbon offsetting business has proved to be a very efficient mechanism for companies to profit from climate chaos, either directly – through the sale of carbon credits – or indirectly –, allowing companies to continue their fossil fuel-based activities. In the rush to expand this business, tree plantation projects have attracted a growing number of profit seekers such as speculators, carbon consultants, forestry companies and oil corporations. As a result, tree plantations for carbon offsetting now represent increasing threats to land-dependent communities.

After an initial push around the 2000s, we are now seeing a new round of tree plantation initiatives for the carbon market. In the past three years, the number of plantation projects for voluntary carbon markets has more than doubled. These projects have not only increased in number, but also in scale. Developers claim that their tree planting projects have one of the highest average ratios of emission uptakes/reductions when compared to other types of projects.

This briefing provides an overview of the expansion of tree plantations aimed at carbon markets. Where are these plantations located? What do they look like? Who is profiting from them? What have been the impacts for communities living on the lands these projects occupy? And what international initiatives are taking place to boost tree plantations for carbon offsetting? These are just a few of the questions explored on the following pages.


1 Carbon, land and trees
1.1 Carbon offsetting and trees in a nutshell
1.2 Creating and trading carbon credits
1.3 Why are most carbon credits issued by land-based projects?

2 Tree plantations for the carbon markets
2.1 How many tree plantation projects exist? How big are they?
2.2 Where are tree plantations for the carbon market located?
2.3 Who profits from tree plantation projects for the carbon market?

3 What are the main types of tree plantation for the carbon market?
3.1 Large-scale tree monocultures for the carbon market on privately owned lands
3.2 Schemes with smallholder farmers
3.3 Long-term land leases

4 International, regional and national initiatives that promote tree plantations for the carbon market
4.1 Africa Carbon Markets Initiative
4.2 African Forestry Impact Platform
4.3 Trillion Trees initiative
4.4 Initiative 20 x 20
4.5 National policies

5. References

6. Appendix