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An investigation by SourceMaterial and Unearthed exposed some of the impacts of a major tree-planting carbon offsetting project in the Republic of Congo from oil giant TotalEnergies, which was announced at the end of 2021.
In September 2022, two large contingents of national police and military were dispatched to oil palm plantation concession areas of the Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC) in Lokutu and Boteka.
A recent report from the Campaign to Stop GE Trees alerts that the global release of genetically engineered (GE) trees is closer than it has ever been.
21 September, the International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations, is a day for networks, movements and organizations to celebrate resistance and raise their voices to demand: “STOP the Expansion of Monoculture Tree Plantations!”.
In the framework of September 21st, International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations, Colombian organizations and movements made a declaration in which they denounce the expansion of large-scale monocultures, and aim to shine light on a problem “that threatens the life, dignity and autonomy of communities.
Documentary film produced by​ NUPOMAR, Núcleo de Pesquisa, Mídias e Arte, with the purpose of recording and valuing the social memory of the Pataxó Indigenous Peoples of Aldeia Barra Velha (in the municipality of Porto Seguro-Bahia), Brazil.
We share the final statement where they express their demands and claims.
A report was compiled based on workshops to share the discussions, proposals and challenges ahead in order to strengthen water justice struggles.
A research by the Urgent Action Fund- Africa (UAF-Africa) underlines how it is women who bear the brunt of lack of water and how this has an impact on their health and livelihoods as well as that of their families and wider community.
A recent publication from the organization The Oakland Institute reviews 15 projects from agribusiness in 11 African countries, evidencing how the large loss of land has entailed a dramatic impact on communities’ access to water.
An article in the news portal Mongabay exposes how six years after complaints were filed against the company Oro Rojo for polluting the rivers, wetlands and air, with its palm oil mill, nothing has changed.
More than 50 organizations, networks and movements from Brazil and around the world denounce the release into the environment and the commercial use of a new transgenic eucalyptus from the Brazilian company Suzano Papel e Celulose.