Food and energy development project in Merauke threatening Indigenous Peoples and forests in Papua


Indonesian President Jokowi planted the first sugar cane of one more mega-project in Merauke Regency in the South Papua Province on 23 July 2024. He claims the project will help to address the global food and climate crises. But it seems just one more disastrous large-scale project set up in Indonesia and Papua - such as the failed MIFEE project – that put the livelihoods of  forest-dependent peoples at risk.

The organisations Pusaka and LBH Papua denounce the latest proposed mega-project, among other things, for fraudulent land grabbing involving 38 private companies; militarization of the region; disregard of the rights of and pressure on Indigenous Peoples to accept the project, and the absence of social and environmental studies on the project´s impact. For more info, see in English here and in Indonesian here.