Publicaciones 30 Agosto 2013
Governments are opening the doors to corporations for planting vast areas of land with oil palm plantations. This trend is not only happening in West and Central African countries, but is even expanding to parts of Eastern Africa. Large scale oil palm plantations are already causing serious environmental and social impacts in some countries, resulting in loss of community rights over their territories. (Sólo en inglés y francés)
Publicaciones 11 Enero 2013

La cartilla informa sobre los problemas que un proyecto REDD puede traer a las comunidades involucradas.

Publicaciones 11 Diciembre 2010
The forest of the Congo Basin expands over an area of continuous tropical rainforest cover only second to that of the Amazon forest. Those forests are currently receiving a lot of attention within the Climate Change negotiations. (Sólo en inglés).