Struggles for the Forests

When corporations destroy forests, or restrict or even prohibit access to forest peoples' territories, they place communities' ways of life and their very existence at risk. WRM supports forest peoples' struggles to defend their territories, and their right to decide how to live, and how to use the forests they depend on.

Articles 13 March 2023
Puluhan warga adat suku Balik di Kelurahan Sepaku Lama, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur melakukan Aksi pemasangan berbagai spanduk dan baliho yang berisi tentang pernyataan sikap menolak rencana penggusuran kampung dan rumah mereka di sekitar dan sepanjang Sungai Sepaku, Penajam Paser Utara untuk Proyek Penanganan Banjir atau Normalisasi Sungai Sepaku.