During the UN climate negotiations in Lima, the World March of Women expressed its active solidarity with Máxima Acuña, who is facing legal proceedings for her resistance to the transnational mining company Yanacocha in Cajamarca, northern Peru. The company has filed suit against Acuña for “aggravated usurpation of land”, and a judge in a court of first instance sentenced her to a prison term of two years and eight months, a fine, and the seizure of the land she occupies and owns. “Máxima Acuña is a peasant woman who symbolizes the struggle of a wide diversity of women who are fighting back against the advance of extractivism in their territories. In her we see the peasants, women, fighters who are being criminalized for defending their lives and their ways of life.” From their struggles in countries like Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Peru and Mozambique, the women expressed their solidarity as well as their agreement that the logic of the occupation of territories is the same everywhere in the world. Read the full article (in Spanish) here: