
Bulletin articles 5 February 2016
There are many analyses of the Paris Agreement and the reasons why it is a disaster for the climate. One critique is that it does not address the basic issue of human rights.  Meanwhile, beyond the text itself, the Agreement actually guarantees and strengthens the rights of transnational corporations and financial institutions. Indeed, these institutions were endorsed in the side events that took place in Paris, in which they announced plans and financing of false solutions to the climate crisis.
Bulletin articles 5 February 2016
The third International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature took place in Paris in parallel to the UN climate talks. Basing its judgements on the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth and international human rights law while recognizing ecocide as a crime, the Tribunal provided a clear direction in each case on who is accountable and on what must be done to repair the harm and restore Earth (and communities) to health and well-being. Indigenous peoples from around the world played a leading role throughout the Tribunal as judges, experts and witnesses.
Other information 11 December 2015
A declaration to be launched during the UN climate negotiations aims to draw attention to the need to keep fossil fuels in the ground and unburned, while supporting a just transition toward a clean energy future.  The declaration recognizes that “the extraction, transportation and consumption of fossil fuels has caused severe damage to the earth, air, water, and all forms of life; and is the number one contributor to climate change and massive species extinction.
Action alerts 1 December 2015
Join us in the Peoples Mobilisation to dismantle the Architecture of Impunity and the Corporate Capture of the United Nations Conference on Climate at the “Paris 2015” - COP21! 29 November – 12 December 2015, Paris
Declarations 30 November 2015
After more than twenty UN climate conferences, the negotiations are still focused on figures and numbers, as if the climate crisis is only about that. Instead of spending time on real solutions like leaving fossil fuels underground, the climate talks have deliberately come up with mechanisms that enable corporations to continue doing business as usual. Deforestation has been apparently placed at the center of the discussions, as one of the main causes of climate change.
Other information 26 November 2015
For decades, governments and intergovernmental agencies like the UN or the World Bank have been busy finding ways to allow the flow of large investments and projects to go on – no matter the consequences. Despite fossil fuels being the main cause of climate change, we see oil, coal and gas companies expanding extraction activities. Despite land clearance for industrial agriculture being one of the main causes of deforestation, we see agribusinesses increasing tree and crop monocultures.
Other information 24 November 2015
By Oilwatch. The purpose of this document is to present the commitments and efforts that peoples, nationalities, and communities have undertaken against the extraction of oil, gas, or coal as a contribution toward avoiding climate disaster.
Action alerts 24 November 2015
Due to the UN climate negotiations -COP20- and the Peoples' Summit on Climate Change, held in Lima, Peru, in December 2014, over 100 organizations and social movements made a Call to Action to strongly and collectively reject REDD+ and the 'environmental services' - towards the COP21 in Paris, France, in December 2015.
24 November 2015
The 21st Conference of Parties of the Convention about the issue of Climate Changes will take place in Paris, France, between 30 November and 11 December. In this section we have put together some materials about the false solutions that until now have been proposed by these Conferences, for example REDD