This statement is issued by community representatives from the Mekong River in Thailand, the Mentarang River in Indonesia, and from Latin America.
Download the statement in pdf - Sign the statement here
We, the undersigned, express our grave concerns about biodiversity crediting, offsetting, and related trading schemes. Biodiversity markets are being modelled on the carbon markets, which have serious failings. Additionally, there are insurmountable problems and dangers:
Alto Turiaçu – July 2024
We, members of the Manchineri, Apurinã, Katukina Noke Kuí, Jamamadí, Jaminawa, Sharanawa, Huni Kuim, Shanenawa, Ashaninka, Madiha, Kuntanawa, Jaminawa-Arara, Jaminawa do Igarapé Preto, Marubo, Arara, Apolima-Arara, Kanoé Rondonia, Oro Wari Rondonia, Bororo, Nukini and Nawa peoples, farmers, extractive rural workers, and representatives of the organizations Indigenist Missionary Council (CIMI), World Rainforest Movement (WRM), Friends of the Earth Brazil, Sempre Viva Feminist Organization (SOF), World March of Women (WMW), Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST-RO) and Small Farmers’ Movement
Statement released on 15 March by more than 360 organizations.
27 September 2021 / March 2022
With the endorsement of organizations from five continents, Friends of the Earth International and WRM published an open statement denouncing the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) for greenwashing the oil palm industry's destruction and violence.
STATEMENT (Download in pdf)
November, 2018
Declaration by the World Rainforest Movement (WRM), March 2016
To Berta Cáceres and the Lenca People, the struggle continues!
After more than twenty UN climate conferences, the negotiations are still focused on figures and numbers, as if the climate crisis is only about that. Instead of spending time on real solutions like leaving fossil fuels underground, the climate talks have deliberately come up with mechanisms that enable corporations to continue doing business as usual. Deforestation has been apparently placed at the center of the discussions, as one of the main causes of climate change.
In the framework of the Latin American forum on
“Large scale monocultures in Latin America, land grabbing
and threats to biodiversity and food sovereignty”
September 6-11, 2014 - Garifuna Territory, Honduras
Nous, membres de communautés affectées par des plantations industrielles de monoculture de palmier à huile, ainsi que les mouvements des paysans et les organisations de la société civile venus de l’Afrique, de l’Europe, de l’Amérique et de l’Asie, ci-dessous signataire de la présente, réunis du 02 au 05 novembre 2013 à Calabar dans l’Etat de Cross River au Nigéria,
Après avoir:
Also available in French
We, members of communities affected by industrial monoculture oil palm plantations, including peasant movements, as well as other civil society organizations from Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia, and signatories to this declaration, met from 2 –5 November 2013 in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria,