Action alerts

International Day of Struggle against Tree Monocultures
On the occasion of the XIV World Forestry Congress, organized by the FAO in Durban, South Africa, between 7 and 11 September, we, members of the Latin American Network against Monoculture Tree Plantations (RECOMA), along with diverse grassroots organizations, are disseminating this letter of protest to express our outrage with the erroneous and exclusionary manner in which FAO is once again organizing this event.
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing in common with sterile industrial tree plantations. The world’s forests are being destroyed at a breathtaking pace.
Several prominent development finance institutions (DFIs) are funding Feronia Inc., a Canadian agribusiness company accused of land grabbing and human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Due to the UN climate negotiations -COP20- and the Peoples' Summit on Climate Change, held in Lima, Peru, in December 2014, over 100 organizations and social movements made a Call to Action to strongly and collectively reject REDD+ and the 'environmental services' - towards the COP21 in Paris, France, in December 2015.
  By The Campaign to STOP GE Trees. Sign below to insist CTNBio not approve GMO Trees! On Thursday 5 March, the Brazilian Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) was scheduled to decide whether to approve the commercial release of GE trees developed by FuturaGene. This meeting was cancelled after it was disrupted by activists, and after FuturaGene’s operations were taken over by 1,000 women earlier that same day.
Only available in Spanish. Por Alianza Biodiversidad y Red por una América Latina Libre de Transgénicos.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York (4 March 2015) – Organizations on four continents took action yesterday at Brazilian consulates and embassies as part of the Emergency Global Day of Action to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees. The groups are demanding the government of Brazil reject an industry request to legalize genetically engineered (GE) eucalyptus trees there.
On November 9th, the Northern Peasant Federation of Thailand (NPF) will be leading a walk to ask for the cessation of the arrests and evictions of forest community members since the issuance of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) Order # 64 and a moratorium on the implementation of the Forestry Master Plan until public consultations are conducted. We will begin our walk from Chiang Mai and plan to walk to Bangkok to present our grievance s to the NCPO. We will be joined by allies from all regions of Thailand.   Background
GE Trees: Another Form of Colonization 13 October 2014 – From the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Campaign to STOP GE Trees
Upon the initiative of Latin American groups a tweeting session is being planned for September 21st. We invite you to join them by using the following phrases and don't forget the hashtag #NoMonocultures Intl Day against Tree Plantations: We celebrate the resistance! #NoMonocultures