Bulletin articles

It would be both ahistorical and apolitical to not firmly locate the roots of the western concepts of nature conservation to the colonial era. Political ecologist and eco-feminist Dr. Vandana Shiva makes this relationship very clear in her book, ‘Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India’, when she states that,
If they touch our blood, they touch the earth If they touch the earth, they touch our blood Motto of the Women of the Xinka Peoples (Guatemala)
“The goal is to transform environmental legislation into tradeable instruments” Pedro Moura, founder of Ecosecurities, a carbon offsets company, and creator and director of the “Bolsa Verde Rio”, Brasil’s green exchange stock market (1)
La Vía Campesina denounces the grave criminalization taking place in Honduras today in the form of prisons, repression and the assassination of peasant and indigenous leaders. In the last few weeks the situation has worsened greatly with the proliferation of hired assassins aiming to take the lives of those who demand land to produce food, of those who struggle against extractivism, dams, and agribusiness.