Bulletin articles

After the Ecuadorian president announced plans to carry out an evaluation on securing financing for the Yasuní-ITT project, reflecting a clear interest in oil drilling, the ‘Guardians of Yasuní’ initiative organized a vigil in defence of the national park and its forests. The organizers stated: “Sumak Kawsay (Living Well) is possible without oil, as has been demonstrated by the great diversity of life in Yasuní alongside the peoples who have coexisted with it for thousands of years. No amount of money can make it worth destroying this piece of paradise in Ecuador.
The new “sustainable development” is called the “green economy”, which will function on the basis of “green growth”. Particularly since Rio+20, the UN and national governments have attempted to demonstrate to the world a renewed commitment to a policy of responsibility towards the environment and the future of the planet. Calling this policy “green”, a colour associated with nature, is a smart move. But will the “greenness” of this policy also extend to concern for diversity? And in the future, will the “green economy” also be a “biodiverse economy”?
The Peruvian Amazon, which covers more than 61% of the country’s territory, is the fourth largest area of tropical rainforest in the world. Thanks to this extensive forest cover, Peru also has an extremely high degree of biodiversity; for instance, it ranks in fifth place worldwide for plant diversity, with close to 25,000 recorded species.
Logging permits designed to promote small businesses and meet local needs are being allocated in their hundreds to industrial logging companies in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana and Liberia.
Some 20,000 people participated in the 4th National March in Defence of the Land, Water and Life held on May 10, 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The march was organized and promoted by some 40 organizations from around the country, in response to the growing concentration of ownership and foreign control of land in Uruguay, where 42% of arable land is currently under foreign ownership.
From May 26-June 1, the International Tree Biotechnology 2013 Conference took place in Asheville, NC. This conference is a gathering of genetically engineered tree proponents and scientists. The Campaign to STOP GE Trees together with Join Earth First! and Global Justice Ecology Project had called to Resist the Tree Biotechnology 2013 Conference and carried out a week of resistance to genetically engineered trees.
On May 2, some 200 indigenous peoples, riverine communities and fishermen joined in a historic moment of unity and struggle for the Amazon and its peoples at the Pimental construction site of the Belo Monte dam where they continue to occupy the area.
The Huaorani, the last known group of Indigenous peoples still living in voluntary isolation in Ecuador in the Amazonian area of Ecuador known as Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve are threatened by encroaching oil development, settlers and illegal loggers.
In the continuum of brutal attacks on the struggle against forcible land acquisition for a POSCO steel plant in Odisha, India, the most recent case of repression has been the unlawful arrest of POSCO PratirodhSamgramSamiti (PPSS) leader AbhaySahoo from Bhubaneshwar airport by Odisha Police on 11th May.
Tens of thousands of indigenous people from Sarawak, Malaysia, are threatened with forced displacement as the Sarawak government moves ahead with plans for 12 massive new dams. These dams will devastate the traditional homelands of native communities, drown pristine tropical habitat, and generate dangerous methane gas, a dangerous climate polluter.