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Les plantations industrielles de palmiers à huile croissent rapidement, et pas seulement au Libéria. Des projets d'expansion planifiés ou déjà implantés existent dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique. Partout où elles vont, les entreprises promettent des emplois et le développement. Produit par le Mouvement Mondial pour les Forêts Tropicales Entrevues: Winnie Overbeek Montage: Flavio Pazos Septembre 2013   -
Only available in Portuguese -  11 de setembro – Dia Nacional do Cerrado. Movimento Geraizeiro apresenta suas reivindicações aos governos federal, estadual e municipais Neste momento centenas de famílias de Geraizeiros rumam para Vale das Cancelas para uma grande manifestação na BR 251 em Defesa dos Cerrados e de seus Povos. Viva o Cerrado e seus Povos!
Only available in Spanish -      En el marco de la conmemoración del 21 de septiembre, Día Internacional contra los Monocultivos de Árboles, el Colectivo Ecologista Campo está organizando su II Foro de Conflictos Ambientales en Colombia, con la temática de Agroindustria y Conflictos Forestales. Tendrá lugar en día miércoles 18 de septiembre, de 3 a 6 pm en la Universidad del Rosario, Salón 601, Torre2. Entrada Libre.
Solo disponible en inglés - Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma Forest Peoples Programme, August 2013 By Marcus Colchester, Sophie Chao, Jonas Dalliner, Su Mei Toh, Chan Kiev, Indriaswati Saptaningrum, Mark Anthony Ramirez and Juan Pulhin Ed: Sophie Chao, Forest Peoples Programme
"Expansion of palm oil in the Brazilian Amazon: an analysis of impacts on family farm in north-eastern Pará" Reporter Brazil – Organization for Communication and Social Projects’s Biofuel Watch Center Download here:  http://reporterbrasil.org.br/documentos/pamoil.pdf
Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma Forest Peoples Programme, August 2013 By Marcus Colchester, Sophie Chao, Jonas Dalliner, Su Mei Toh, Chan Kiev, Indriaswati Saptaningrum, Mark Anthony Ramirez and Juan Pulhin Ed: Sophie Chao, Forest Peoples Programme
Only available in Spanish - Martes 17 de septiembre de 2013, 20.00 horas. Martes de Cine Seminario permanente de la sustentabilidad invita: Martes de cine (con conciencia) En Kinoki este martes 17 de septiembre, a las 8:00pm: En el marco del 21 de septiembre Día Mundial contra los Monocultivos de Árboles KINOKI y Otros Mundos Chiapas presentan: DESIERTOS VERDES
Only available in Spanish -  Por Silvia Ribeiro* - Setiembre 2007. La ola de los agrocombustibles sigue avanzando, no porque sea buena para el ambiente ni aporte solución alguna al cambio climático global - de hecho lo va a empeorar- sino porque las industrias más poderosas del planeta lo ven como una fuente de jugosas ganancias y encima consiguen que muchos gobiernos las apoyen con leyes y subsidios.
The Martín Pescador Centre, devoted to the marketing of products and the revaluation of the culture of the ancestral peoples of the mangrove ecosystem, is an initiative of the National Coordinating Committee for the Defence of the Mangrove Ecosystems (C CONDEM), comprising the people’s organizations that make up C CONDEM: grassroots organizations, fronts, federations and unions of communities devoted to artisanal fishing and gathering of products from the mangroves.
Mangroves, food sovereignty for coastal communities was the theme chosen this year for the International Day for the Defence of Mangrove Ecosystems (July 26) by Redmanglar International, which organized a variety of activities in Latin America between July 16 and July 26 to mark the occasion. During these days, representatives of various organizations joined with local communities to carry out mangrove reforestation work and to gather mangrove tree seeds .
The People’s Coalition for Fisheries Justice Indonesia (KIARA) celebrated the World Mangrove Day issuing a press release where it “urged the government to immediately conduct a revocation of the business license and or development projects (oil palm plantations, shrimp farms, coastal reclamation, and so on) that causes the loss of mangrove forests.