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Friends of the Earth Africa. Commemoration of saro-wiwa murder reinforces demand to wean off dirty energy. NOVEMBER 10, 2013 – As the world commemorates the anniversary of the murder of playwright and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, remembrance activities are being organized all over the world to continue Saro- Wiwa’s legacy of advocating for the preserving of territories, supporting environmental defenders, resisting corporate rule and seeking justice for communities affected by dirty energy.
Only available in Spanish. Este documento plantea los elementos fundamentales de la posición adoptada por la Mesa de Cambio Climático-El Salvador, y suscritos por las organizaciones sociales y de pueblos indígenas abajo firmantes. Posición de la Mesa de Cambio Climático de El Salvador ante la fase actual del proceso multilateral de negociaciones sobre cambio climático
The Global Forest Coalition launched a new report on 'REDD+ and the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and forest Degradation' based on five case studies in Brazil, Colombia, India, Uganda and Tanzania elaborated by national organizations in those countries themselves. It was launched at the 19th Conference of the Parties of the Climate Convention in Warsaw.
Biofuelwatch has released a new report, Biomass: The Chain of Destruction. It explores the global impacts of the UK’s biomass boom, looking at what the current the demand for biomass for electricity, supportive Government policy and resulting speculative investments mean in terms of forest destruction in the Americas and impacts on communities in the UK.
During the first week of October, indigenous peoples staged protests throughout the country, including the capital, Brasilia, against the attempt of sectors of the National Congress, particularly a group of legislators with ties to mining and agribusiness companies, to modify the Brazilian Constitution with regard to indigenous rights.
There are publications, statements and other sources of information on the subject of food sovereignty available from organizations like: - Friends of the Earth International (seehttp://www.foei.org/en/resources/publications/food-sovereignty) - Food First (seehttp://www.foodfirst.org/en/Agroecology,+Food+Sovereignty+and+the+New+Green+Revolution)
This video, produced by WRM in 2012, documents the struggle – described in the article on Brazil in this bulletin – waged by communities in the municipalities of Antonina and Guaraqueçaba, in the state of Paraná, against a REDD project. The video not only shows the impacts of the REDD project, but also the struggle of the community of Rio Pequeno to recover their territory, through collective food production and the implementation of an agro-forestry system.  
Only available in Portuguese. -Ao  Ministério da Justiça Exmo. Sr. José Eduardo Cardoso, Ministro da Justiça - À Diretoria de Proteção Territorial da FUNAI Sr. Aluísio Ladeira Azanha – Diretor (dpt@funai.gov.br) - À: 6ª Câmara de Conciliação- Exma. Drª Débora Duprat -À Polícia Federal Exmo. Sr. Leandro Daielo Coimbra, Diretor geral
The 40th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which will meet from 7th to 11th October, will be discussing recommendations on “Biofuels and Food Security”.  This should be an important opportunity for the CFS to respond to the overwhelming evidence that the artificial demand for biofuels is undermining the right to food, causing significant increases in food insecurity, malnutrition[1],
‘Tribal peoples for tomorrow’s world’ is written by Survival International’s Director Stephen Corry and published by Freeman Press. This ground-breaking new book draws on Corry’s unrivalled 40 years’ experience promoting tribal peoples’ right to self-determination.