From Green Ideals to REDD money. A brief history of schemes to save forests for their carbon
November 2008, 6 pages. A short overview of latest developments with some basic conclusions and recommendations
An overview of selected REDD proposals
November 2008, 24 pages. This report presents the different REDD country proposals that are currently on the table and highlights the differences between them and whether or not they are based on carbon trading and whether or not they respect rights of local communities
Cutting Corners. World Bank's forest and carbon fund fails forests and peoples
November 2008, 24 pages. This joint FPP-FERN report analysis nine country concept notes presented to the World Bank (so called R-PINs) to get REDD money and finds that none of them has been developed in a proper consultative process, nor do they address issues as rights and governance and the whole process has been in violation of the Bank's own procedures and guidelines.
Other FERN's REDD related publications are available here