Support Letter CTNBio
To: Brazilian National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio)
We, the undersigned, have been informed that FuturaGene, a biotechnology firm wholly owned by the pulp and paper company Suzano, has submitted a request for commercial planting of its yield enhanced genetically modified eucalyptus trees.
Suzano/FuturaGene, as well as other companies like Fibria (ex-Aracruz) and ArborGen, have been conducting research and field experiments on GM Trees for years.
Suzano/FuturaGene´s interest has been to increase the productivity of their tree plantations. They argue that their new GM tree will result in a 20% increase in productivity and by doing so will increase “competitiveness and environmental and socio-economic gains through higher productivity using less land and therefore overall lower chemical inputs and lowered carbon release, as well as making land available for food production or conservation and enhancing the income of outgrowers.” (1) These myths do not stand up to real facts and are addressed below.
The use of faster growing GM trees in industrial plantations will exacerbate the already well-known negative social and environmental impacts caused by industrial tree plantations while introducing yet further impacts and knock-on effects due to the additional risks inherent to genetic engineering.
Industrial tree plantation companies have long promised that gains in productivity would lead to less land use. This is a myth. In Brazil, for example, where the productivity of monoculture tree plantations per hectare increased from 27 m3/ha/year in the 1980s to 44 m3/ha/year currently, the area covered by plantations has increased from about 4 million hectares at the end of the 1980s to more than 7.2 million hectares today. Historically, there is thus no evidence that in Brazil, increases in productivity led to less land being occupied by industrial tree plantations. A newly formed association, Indústria Brasileira de Árvores (Ibá), representing the Brazilian industrial tree plantation industry states that they intend to double the area of industrial tree plantations to 14 million hectares by 2020.
Suzano recently opened a new pulp mill in the state of Maranhão with an 1.5 million tons/year capacity. Huge areas of land covered with tree monocultures will be needed to fulfill Suzano’s wood demand for pulp, as well as for an added demand, in particular its plans to explore new uses of its wood with a project in the same state to produce and export wood pellets for energy production, to cofire with coal in the UK. The use of biomass for industrial scale energy production remains highly controversial, and its negative social, environmental and climate impacts have been documented widely. Both the pulp and wood pellet projects aim solely at profiting from new market opportunities, which is the mission of Suzano.
While profits from this expansion accrue to Suzano shareholders, the social, ecological and economic costs as well as increased risk to regional food sovereignty and health will be borne by the Brazilian public, and local communities surrounded by plantations in particular. Many and serious conflicts over access to land already exist, and living conditions of communities surrounded by Suzano's operations have deteriorated to the point that communities are now struggling to guarantee their food sovereignty and are increasingly at risk of losing their territories (2) .
Further, there is no plausible reason to expect that the use of “chemical inputs”, including agrotoxins, will decrease as a result of planting GM trees. On the contrary, it will increase with the increasing occupation of land which is planned to take place and the intensification of growing cycles and the ensuing nutrient depletion of soil and land. Brazil, sadly, is already the world’s leading consumer of agrotoxins, causing injury to hundreds if not thousands of victims per year, putting further strain on already insufficient public health provision. Industrial tree monocultures, lacking biodiversity, and promoted at very large scale, will augment the application of agrotoxins by huge amounts. The argument used by the GM technology lobby that the introduction of GM crops—such as soy and maize—results in less use of pesticides and fertilizers has already been proven to be false. In countries including Brazil, Argentina, and the United States – front-runners in GM soy & maize production—research has shown not a decrease, but rather an alarming increase in the use of agrotoxins (3).
Genetically modifying trees to make them grow faster, while planting them on a continuously expanding portion of the land in ever larger industrial tree plantations, will only lead to further depletion of soil nutrients and fresh water. This is especially true for eucalyptus trees, already notorious for their voracious water consumption, which has been shown to result in the overall drying out of surrounding soils, springs and waterways. Communities living around non-GM tree plantations within and outside of Brazil have already widely reported water shortage and soil depletion. The introduction of faster growing GM Trees will only further aggravate this situation.
Serious uncertainties exist with respect to the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of genetically engineered trees. Unexpected effects have already been reported for GM food crops, including for example the proliferation of herbicide resistant weeds, the emergence of secondary pests decimating crops, altered fertility such as higher rates of outcrossing, as well as increased allergenicity. Given the long and often complex life-cycle of trees and their interaction with biodiversity, predicting the outcomes and impacts of GM trees is practically impossible. While eucalyptus is non-native to Brazil, it is widely planted, and contamination of non-GM eucalyptus trees by GM eucalyptus is another serious risk, although FuturaGene, paradoxically, welcomes it (4). Will it alter invasiveness, attract new pests, weaken or deter predators? Such questions have neither been asked nor are there data to provide answers. The catalog of risks is high.
Based on the history of industrial tree plantations and the introduction of GM crops in general, we object to and deny industry’s claim that society as a whole would benefit from the commercial release and planting of GM trees. Existing evidence points squarely into the opposite direction. The only benefit we see from this new high-risk technology with unknown future impact (and possible associated incalculable cost) is that of increased profits to Suzano's shareholders.
For the aforementioned reasons, scientists, lawyers and organizations around the world are calling for a global moratorium on the commercial release of genetically modified trees, due to their unknown but potentially severe social and ecological impacts and incalculable economic risks, which would overwhelmingly accrue to the public.
Therefore, the undersigned organizations and people wish to express their deep concern and urge the CTNBio not to authorize the commercial release of yield enhanced GE eucalyptus by Suzano/FuturaGene or by any other company that also has, or will present in future, a request for such a release.
Organizations:- MST - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra
- Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotoxicos e pela vida
- Via Campesina – Brasil
- O Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Social
- Fundação Padre José Koopmans – FUNPAJ
- Sindicato dos Bancários do Extremo Sul da Bahia
- Movimento de Luta pela Terra (MLT)
- Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA)
- RECOMA – Rede Latinoamericana contra os monocultivos de árvores
- Terra de Direitos – Brasil
- Cepedes – Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas para o desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul Bahia
- Comissão Indigenista Missionário (CIMI)
- Rede Ambiental do Piauí-REAPI, Brasil
- CEAS - Centro de Estudos e Ação Social - Salvador - Bahia
- Fórum de Entidades e Movimentos Sociais do Sudoeste da Bahia
- Amigos de la Tierra - Paraguay
- Justiça nos Trilhos – Brasil
- ETC Group, internacional - Silvia Ribeiro
- Fórum de Entidades e Movimentos Sociais do Sudoeste da Bahia
- Acção Académica para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais-ADECRU, Moçambique
- União Nacional de Camponeses - UNAC membro da La Via Campesina Africa
- Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad, Costa Rica
- Coecoceiba, Costa Rica
- Red por una América Latina Libre de Transgénicos
- Otros Mundos AC/Chiapas, México
- Acción Ecologica, Ecuador
- Savia - Guatemala
- Amigos de la Tierra - Argentina.
- Amigos de La Tierra - Uruguay
- Colectivo de Comunicación Mapuche Mapuexpress
- PACS - Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul
- Instituto de Investigacion y Capacitacion Agraria - Jorge Ernesto Llosa Montagne - Pozuzo IINCAGRO - POZUZO, Peru
- Instituto Socioambiental e Educacional de Carrancas – MG Leandro José de Oliveira, Engenheiro Florestal,
- Movimiento de Chacreros del Ejido de Mercedes, Pablo Martinez Bravo Uruguay
- Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia - Catarina S. Camargo
- Movimento Roessler para Defesa ambiental
- Grupo NSAE - Maurício Takeshi Uehara
- CEMEAR - Centro de Motivações Ecológicas e Alternativas Rurais, Pres. Getúlio / SC - Alexandre Tkotz,
- Ecologistas en Acción - Espanha
- Marea Azul AC - Marco A. Rodriguez Badillo - México.
- Centro de Estudos Ambientais - Cíntia Barenho – Brasil
- Ong Caatinga - Celma Gomes de Lemos – Brasil
- Núcleo de Ecojornalistas do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
- Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia- ANA – Brasil
- Grupo Contestatores - Teatro de Rua
- Cooperativa Cooperar (MST) - David Luiz M. Wigg – Brasil
- Association Franco Uruguayenne - Luis A Franco, France
- ACS – Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul, Rio de Janeiro
- ONG BIOS - Rocío Damiano, , Argentina
- Red de Custodios de Semillas en Risaralda y Red de Familias Quindianas Custodias de Semillas Libres, Juan Sebastián Barrera Montealegre - Colombia.
- Grupo Guayubira - Uruguay
- Aliança RECOs – Redes de Cooperação Comunitária Sem Fronteiras
- Movimento Mulheres pela P@Z!
- Grupo Paso a Paso (integrado a Red de Agroecología del Uruguay,
- Junta de Acción Comunal del Barrio Laureles, de la Ciudad de Ibagué - Rodrigo López Oviedo, Colombia
- Fernando Avarez Ramírez, Red Escuelas Campesinas de Agroecología Y Custodios De Semillas, Colombia.
- Movimento Amigos da Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho - Cesar Cardia,
- Comunidad Ecuménica Martin Luther King
- Movimiento Generación 80 (G80)
- LIBERTARIO GONZÁLEZ, Organización: Asamblea Popular Plaza el Ombú, Argentina
- Centro de Agricultura Alternativa do Norte de Minas CAA – Brasil
- Movimento Geraizeiro: guardião do Cerrado MG – Brasil
- Articulação Rosalino de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais do Norte de Minas – Brasil
- Alberto Pastor Escobar, Director del Plantel, Paraguay
- Asociación de Productores Orgánicos de la Zona Norte (Asoprozonn) Javier Baltodano Aragón , Upala - Costa Rica
- Colectivo VientoSur – Chile
- Assessoria Técnica Popular Dignitatis, Brasil
- Centro de Referência em Direitos Humanos (CRDH/UFPB) - Projeto Ymyrapytã : Povos, Comunidades Tradicionais e Meio Ambiente - Brasil
- Igor SH de Carvalho, Centro de Agricultura Alternativa do Norte de Minas, Brasil
- Coletivo Tartaruga - Diego Menezes – Brasil
- ECO SITIO, Argentina
- Lic. Silvana Buján, Argentina
- RENACE - Red Nacional de Acción Ecologista de la Argentina
- Universidad de Granada, Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía
- Agrupacion de Mujeres Mapuche XANALAWEN, Jeannette Paulina Canio Ñanculeo, Presidenta: Chile
- Associação de Mulheres Rurais Nova Galiléia - Colider/MT Norma Apª de Oliveira, Brasil
- APROMAC – Associação de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente de Cianorte / Brasil
- AMAR – Associação de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Araucária - Brasil
- TOXISPHERA – Associação de Saúde Ambiental - Brasil
- Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales, Chile
- María Isabel Cárcamo, RAPAL, Uruguay
- Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad, Carlos Eduardo López Quirós - Costa Rica
- Fórum de Juventude Negra – PE – Brasil
- Movimento Negro Unificado – PE – Brasil
- Central de Movimentos Populares – PE – Brasil
- Sociedade das Jovens Negras Feminista – PE – Brasil
- Caminhada de Terreiro de Pernambuco – PE – Brasil
- Movimento de Luta e Resistência Popular – PE – Brasil
- Rede Jovem Nordeste – PE – Brasil
- Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental – Brasil
- Rede Alerta contra o Deserto Verde – Brasil
- Observatório dos Conflitos do Extremo Sul do Brasil – RS
- Relações Raciais, Desigualdades Sociais e Educação da UNIGRANRIO – Brasil
- Articulação Popular São Francisco Vivo (MG / BA / PE / Al / SE)
- Associação Homens e Mulheres do Mar da Baía de Guanabara – AHOMAR –RJ
- Sindicato dos Pescadores Profissionais e Pescadores Artesanais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - SINDPESCA-RJ
- Comissão Pastoral da Terra - CPT Nacional
- GEDMMA (Grupo de Estudos: Desenvolvimento, Modernidade e Meio Ambiente), vinculado à Universidade Federal do Maranhão – MA
- Núcleo TRAMAS - Trabalho, Meio Ambiente e Saúde Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade Federal do Ceará
- Paulo Brack , Coordenação InGá - Instituto Gaúcho de Estudos Ambientais
- Debora F. Lerrer, Professora-Adjunta do CPDA/UFRRJ
- Luis Bonaje Negrin Plasencio
- María Jacinta Sánchez Marcos, España
- Antônio Roberto Achel, servidor público
- Paulo Roberto da Silva - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
- Marcia Regina do N de Souza, Brasil
- Veronica Gonzalezes - Argentina
- Francisco das Chagas Loiola Maia, associado e Técnico em Educação Ambiental da ADAARI -(Associação de Desenvolvimento Ambiental e Agroecológico da Região dos Inhamuns )
- María Cristina Weber Quinteros, Uruguay
- Múcio Tosta Gonçalves. Professor Ajunto do Departamento de Economia da Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ)
- Hugh Lacey. Pesquisador Colaborador Estrangeiro no Projeto Temático da FAPESP: "Génese e significado da tecnciência: relações entre ciência, tecnologia e sociedade"), Institutos de Estudos Avancadas (IEA), Uunversidade de São Paulo (USP). Autor do livro, A Controvérsia sobe os Transgênicos: questões científicas e éticas. São Paulo: Editora Idéias e Letras, 2006.
- Sergio Argüello Reyes. Psicólogo. Guatemala
- Fábio Augusto Denardin Klein
- Heloísa Rey Farza - Gerência Geral de Toxicologia- ANVISA
- Tania Pacheco - blog Combate Racismo Ambiental
- Olinto Ramos Filho – Brasil
- Ricardo Corrales - Costa Rica
- Bernadete de Oliveira – Brasil
- Rosalee Albuquerque Coelho Netto, Manaus, AM – Brasil
- Luis Eduardo Tantessio – Uruguay
- Cordula Eckert - Engenheira Agrônoma, Emater/RS-Ascar
- Luana Rockenbach – Brasil
- Lygia Campos - Alemania
- Susana Prizendt, Coordenadora, Comitê Paulista da CampanhaContra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida
- Maria Nelida Burgos – Brasil
- William Martínez – Uruguai
- Yolanda Reyes _ Colectivo Resistencia Sur – Ecuador
- Paulo Cesar da Costa Lima – Brasil
- William Alessandro Germano – Estúdio Sete Sinos, arte ecológica
- Roger Chaves – Costa Rica
- Ana Lucia Rapetti Rava, vecinos de la Sierra de Rocha, Uruguay
- Adenor Vicente Wendling, Doutorando - UFSC
- Prof. Dra. Liliete Canes Souza Cordeiro, Departamento de Análises Clínicas. Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
- Fabio Nolasco, UFMT, Cuiabá-MT-Brasil
- Mateus Oliveira – Brasil
- Abogado Gonzalo Taborga Molina, fundador, ex-Secretario Internacional y ex-Presidente de la Comisión Chilena de Derechos Humanos
- Ana Karoline Rodrigues Dias - ESPAF (Escola de Formação Política e Cidadania)
- Prof. Paulo Kageyama, Nucleo de Cultura e Extensao em Educacao e Conservacao Ambiental - NACE-PTECA, Piracicaba-SP
- José Otávio Varella, Engenheiro Agrônomo, EMATER-RS, Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Rural, Pesca e Cooperativismo/RS
- Inês Mendes Pinto, Prefeitura Belo Horizonte
- José Lourenço Pechtoll
- José Luís Ciotola Guimarães - autônomo
- Elder Andrade Paula, NUPESDAO/UFAC, Brasil
- Cristiana Amarante (Rio de Janeiro) – Brasil
- Rosemeire Aparecida de Almeida, UFMS-Campus de Três Lagoas – Brasil
- Daniel de los Campos
- Beti Bernstein, profesora de Química, Argentina-Uruguay
- Gervasio Espinosa, editor de textos de la ciencias sociales, Argentina-Uruguay
- Claudio Luiz G. Marques, Engº Agrônomo - Perito Federal Agrário, SR(09)PR/INCRA
- João Ernesto Mota Martins,Comunicador na ONG Esplar (Escritório de Planejamento Rural).
- Fernanda Teixeira Frade Almeida, Ministério da Educação
- Ana Reis – Brasil
- Luã de Souza Veiga, graduando em Agroecologia pelo IF Sudeste- MG, membro do NOEA(Nucleo de Observação e Estudos em Agroecologia
- Monica Kumpera, Brasil
- Fernando Braga Campos, Brasil
- Ignacio Stolkin, Uruguay
- Ana Victoria Molina Betancor, Colombia
- Viviana Lima Silva, PhD in Plant Biotechnology por la Universidad de Malaga, España
- Pamela Cabrera, Chile
- Irene Iturriberry, Proyecto "Gestión Ambiental del Abrazo del Solís Grande", Uruguay
- Emília Wanda Rutkowski, bióloga, coordenadora FLUXUS/FEC/UNICAMP
- Antonio Graziano, Italia-Uruguay
- Roberta Graf
- Aparecida Oliveira, Salvador BA
- Stéphan Bry,Ilhéus – BA
- Jean Pierre Leroy, Fase Rio de janeiro – Brasil
- Hernando Upegui G., Presidente. Asociación de Apicultores del Quindío, Colombia
- Antonia Acuña Ipinza, Chile
- Flávia Maria Galizoni, Professora da UFMG /Instituto de Ciências Agrárias
- Coordenadora do Núcleo PPJ/Núcleo de Pesquisa e Apoio à Agricultura Familiar
- Silvia Rodriguez Cervantes, Costa Rica
- Marina Panziera, trabajadora de la Administración de Parques Nacionales de Argentina
- Osvaldo Nicolás Pimpignano, Iniciativa Radial, Argentina
- Luis E. Sabini Fernàndez, Uruguay
- RAQUEL MAIA, Pesquisadora-Sociedade Civil, Montes Claros, Brasil
- Vladimir Oganauskas Filho - mestrando em Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecossistemas da UFSC.
- Marina de Castro Schwab, mestranda de Eng. Ambiental/UFRJ.
- Gabriel Perfeito Castro, Brasil
- Nemesio Juan Rodríguez Mitchell, Investigador, PUIC-UNAM (ex-PUMC-UNAM), México
- Dr. Rosemary Galli, Observatorio das Nacionalidades
- Víctor L. Bacchetta, periodista, Uruguay.
- Jan van Dijk, Movimiento en Defensa del Medio Ambiente de La Higuera, Chile
- Eukarys Colmenares Leal, Montreal - Canada
- Humberto Jiménez Saa, Ph.D.,, Costa Rica
- Mayron Régis Brito Borges, Brasil
- Reinaldo Barberine CPT Sudeste de Minas Gerais
- José Luís da Silva Costa, do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST-MA).
- Juliana Pazinato, MST/PR, Brasil
- Jonathan Mazzini – Brasil
- Fernanda Matheus - engenheira agrônoma
- Gabriela Scotto - NESA/Núcleo de Estudos Socioambientais - UFF, Brasil
- Ing. Angel A. Cruz Diloné
- Marcos Penna Sattamini de Arruda
- María del Pilar Morales Bartaburu - Uruguay
1- See FuturaGene web site at 2 - 3 - See 4 - See