Fossil Fuels

The burning of oil, coal and natural gas is causing climate chaos. What's more, extraction of these fossil fuels and, increasingly, the use of geothermal and biomass energy, is also destroying livelihoods and forests. Energy corporations systematically call on States to violently suppress community resistance against this destruction. Fossil fuels in particular have left a trail of destruction and violent oppression, while a small number of companies has pocketed astronomical profits.

Bulletin articles 27 February 2024
Wilayah Amazon adalah salah satu garis depan perlawanan terhadap perluasan modal. Hal ini terlihat dari perjuangan para aktivis sosial seperti Chico Mendes, serta kehadiran sebagian besar masyarakat adat yang tersisa di bumi dalam gerakan isolasi sukarela. Namun, berbagai bentuk ekstraktivisme 'hijau' saat ini semakin berkembang di wilayah ini.