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From June 15-17, 2018, indigenous peoples and communities that live and work in forests gathered in Sena Madureira, Acre, to denounce the false solutions to environmental and climatic degradation that green capitalism proposes. They denounced projects that buy into the fallacy that it is possible to continue polluting the earth, water and atmosphere in one part of the planet, and “offset” this pollution by conserving forests in another region.
An article by Transparency International shows how the political establishment of Portugal—which should be managing the forest, territorial planning, and firefighting and prevention measures—is held hostage to influential business interests. According to the article, this explains why so many people die and so much area is destroyed by fires year after year.
A Chinese-backed plan to build Cambodia’s biggest dam could “literally kill” the Mekong river, according to a confidential government assessment seen by the newspaper The Guardian, which says that the proposed site at Sambor is the “worst possible place” for hydropower. The newspaper article states that dire impacts are predicted on river dolphins and one of the world’s largest migrations of freshwater fish, which in turn affect the many fisher villages that depend upon this river basin.
People from the forests gathered in Sena Madureira, Acre, to denounce the false solutions of green capitalism and demand their right to their lands.
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Transgenic Trees Will Expand the Disaster of Tree Plantations. Already in Chile monoculture plantations of pine and eucalyptus are producing terrible impacts on rural communities, on people’s health, access to water, agriculture and forests.
Demand Swedish Energy Agency to suspend future payments to Green Resources and cancel the deal for purchase of carbon credits!
India: stop evictions from tiger reserves!
Who will feed us?
Finnish activists protest against Stora Enso and Veracel
Where does all the gold processed in Switzerland come from?
The World Rainforest Movement (WRM) is an initiative that contributes to struggles, reflections and actions of forest-dependent peoples in the global South. It is part of an international movement for social and environmental justice and respect for collective rights and self-determination of indigenous peoples, peasants and other traditional communities.