Bulletin 250
Solidarity in Action
This special bulletin wants to pay tribute to the forest communities and peasant families around the world who despite all odds and difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic - including the movement restrictions imposed by governments and the corporate and elite profit-seeking abuses -, have still managed to practice solidarity: From organizing alternative protection systems against the spread of the virus, collective kitchens, food crops distribution for those in need, and markets that while respecting social distancing provide healthy food for a fair price; to welcoming those affected by dispossession and displacement; to supporting women and girls facing violence; to continuing the resistance against destruction of their territories... And there are countless other examples.
We stand in solidarity with you.
This Bulletin articles are written by the following organizations and individuals: CIMI - Western Amazon, Brazil; activists of the Informal Alliance Against the Expansion of Industrial Oil Palm Plantations in West and Central Africa; the Indonesia Mining Advocacy Network (Jaringan Advokasi Tambang - JATAM); GRAIN; Siempreviva Feminist Organization (SOF), Brazil; All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM); members of WRM’s Advisory Committee; and members of the WRM international secretariat.
15 July 2020BAHASA. Artikel ini menyoroti empat tren yang menjadi bukti bagaimana industri pertambangan mengeruk manfaat dari situasi pandem Covid-10 sembari melanjutkan agenda penghancurannya di seluruh kepulauan nusantara. Sementara korporasi-oligarki sedang berupaya membajak demokrasi, kediktatoran baru sedang menancapkan kakinya di bawah bendera kapitalisme pertambangan.