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Ony available in Spanish. Más de 100 personas entre estudiantes, ambientalistas, activistas sociales y dirigentes comunitarios, se congregaron el domingo 21 de septiembre en inmediaciones de la vereda El Manzano 20 kilómetros al suroriente de Pereira. La cita era en el marco de la jornada mundial contra los monocultivos forestales, justo en esta zona rural donde la multinacional Smurfit kappa Cartón de Colombia acapara grandes extensiones sembradas en eucaliptos y pinos.
Only available in Portuguese. Download the full letter as pdf Montevideo, 30 de setembro de 2014
Producing cheap palm oil comes at a high price: destruction of rainforests, labour exploitation, and brutal land grabbing. With lands in Indonesia and Malaysia becoming more difficult for palm oil companies to acquire, attention is shifting to Africa as a new frontier for low cost palm oil production for export.
The area planted in eucalyptus and pine in Latin America has doubled in the past three decades, due to the action of national and transnational companies. Wood production is intended mainly for pulp and paper manufacture. WRM found several recent trends in this process, such as the expansion of monocultures of African palm (oil palm), greater research efforts into transgenic trees, the phenomenon of the “green economy” and the increasing involvement of speculative financial capital.
Four leaders of the Ashéninka people of the Peruvian Amazon were murdered by illegal loggers operating on their lands. Among them was Edwin Chota a prominent anti-logging campaigner who had fought for his peoples' right to gain titles to their land and expel illegal loggers who raided their forests on the Brazilian border. Sign the petition: