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Representatives of organizations from different Latin American countries and of international networks met together in La Ceiba, Honduras, verified from local testimonies the serious situation faced by campesino, indigenous and Garifuna communities due to the voracious advance of monocultures of African palm.
By Geasphere, South Africa Since 2004,21st September is a special day used to raise awareness about the impacts of large-scale timber plantations, to encourage action, to highlight alternative ‘forestry’ models andto celebrate the progress made in the resistance against the industrial timber production model.Sustained resistance is critical, because timber plantations seriously affect the long-term ecological sustainability in areas where they have been established.
WRM information sheets on GE tree research First posted:  August 2014 Forest tree species being manipulated: hybrid aspen (populus) Aim of genetic manipulation biomass yield Those carrying out the research:
WRM information sheets on GE tree research First posted: August 2014 Forest tree species being manipulated: Hybrid aspen (populus) Aim of genetic manipulation
 WRM information sheets on GE tree research First posted: August 2014 Forest tree species being manipulated: Oil Palm Rubber Aim of genetic manipulation
According to Global Forest Watch, Chile’s forests are expanding. On the ground, however, a different scene plays out: monocultures have replaced diverse natural forests, and tree plantations now occupy 43 per cent of the South-central Chilean landscape. Defining plantations as forests has allowed the government to expand monocultures at a rapid pace, robbing the Mapuche indigenous peoples’ territories. Despite this, the Mapuche continue a strong fight to recuperate their ancestral land rights.