Other information

In Nigeria, a coalition of social and environmental justice organisations including Environmental Rights Watch/Friends of the Earth Nigeria, Green Alliance Nigeria, the Host Communities Network of Nigeria, and Students Environmental Assembly Nigeria, have stepped up the pressure on elected politicians to approve an improved, "pro people Petroleum Industry Bill", PIB2012. On 25th February 2014 the coalition demanded that the government adopt the "PIB not as it is currently but with an amendment proposed by the civil society coalition."
Once again we are calling for your support for the legitimate struggle of the Tupinambá indigenous people of the state of Bahia, Brazil.XXX
The “eyesore of the year” award is given by the Network Social Responsibility (NeSoVe) - a network of NGOs and workers' representatives - to companies, organizations, institutions and individuals who have acted very irresponsibly and without regard to social and / or environmental damage, often using elaborately designed Sustainability and CSR reports, lobbying and sponsorship. The blame and shame award “eyesore of the year” aims at uncovering and denouncing this behaviour to demand corporate accountability.
Online resources and in-depth investigations on the social, ecological and political impact of French transnational corporations. See http://www.multinationales.org/?lang=en
Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing. “There you go” is a short, satirical film, from Survival International, that tells the story of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of ‘development’. For further information see http://www.survivalinternational.org/
Dear WRM Bulletin readers, Based on our last survey we have incorporated some changes that were suggested. We would like to have your opinion on those changes and at the same time we would like to know if you have other suggestions for how we can improve the bulletin.Another year is starting and we would like to hear from you what you think about WRM's monthly bulletin. We have kept the questionnaire short, going through the questions should not take you more than 10 minutes.
February 25, 2014 Download here the full letter in pdf format with the final list of sign-ons 
Some 6000-7000 indigenous people and other communities in Embobut Forest in the Cherangany Hills of the ElgeyoMarakwet County, in Kenya, are threatened with forced eviction.
REDD Monitor website with articles and blog in English. Most widely read website with information and analysis critical of REDD and trading in ‘ecosystem services’ www.redd-monitor.org